Sunday, October 29, 2017

To Boldly Hazel where only Scottie had gone before

Aye lad, now Scotch, there's a man's drink for ya

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 This one is for the experts who think they know everything, because it is one which is not in any Star Trek memory alpha in thee Original Series and is something I came upon by chance.

The question in this is, Lt. Commander Montgomery Scott, played by James Doohan of Canada. Do you know where he first appeared at Scottie?

No it was not Star Trek, and he was not named Scottie, but it instead was in the early 1960's comedy program starring Shirley Booth as Hazel. In an episode a young Scottsman is in love with a wee lass who is a maid, and Hazel fixes her up in a make over, and Scottie just wants his lass without all the Hollywood war paint.

James Doohan - Hazel (1962) - YouTube

James Doohan plays a Scot on the TV sitcom Hazel in 1962.

This is fascinating to me, as you hear the first essence of Scottie in this episode, and it was 1962. It would not be until 1966 that he would be cast again, in a complete makeover of the pilot episode where only Leonard Nimoy survived the cut as Lt. Commander Scott.

That is a bit of Star Trek trivia in this Canadian war hero, who was bit cast for his ability to do accents, and in the end this feisty character on Hazel is the one who defined everything American in morals and right wing Conservatism.

Just found it fascinating that a forgotten role on an American comedy, would transform itself to a legendary role in American science fiction, but then there was only one James Doohan, and he was born for that role on Star Trek.

Nuff Said

