Monday, October 30, 2017


Campanulaceae - Campanula rapunculus-5.JPG 

Campanula rapunculus, common name rampion bellflower, rampion, or rover bellflower, is a species of bellflower (Campanula) in the family Campanulaceae.
This species was once widely grown in Europe for its leaves, which were used like spinach, and its parsnip-like root, which was used like a radish.The Brothers Grimm's tale Rapunzel took its name from this plant.

There is a mystery in the name Rupunzel, as it arises in Reverse Speech by David John Oates. It appeared in Prime Minister David Cameron's reversals and Senator Lindsey Graham. What is of interest in this, is Cameron and Graham, both have a closeted tie to each other.

David Cameron on Deliver security: Deliver us a new villain

Negotiating with EU: May Day parade

Leaving Europe: Fuck Rapunzel bring in the riddle

Lindsey Graham

Vote on sanction against Russia - I'll rub it in

Threat of war against Kim Jong Un - This world will be Sunni (Give world to Islam Saudi Arabia)

War issued over slavery - Give Rapunzel the throne (Mr. Oates says Rapunzel metaphor is appearing more often)

It begs the issue of what exactly is the behind the closed door conversation in the British and American liberals hiding as Conservatives. Why would Rupunzel appear as a namesake of what is Cameron referring to Brexit and Graham referring to the American Civil War, which was instigated by Europeans.

Jul 20 2010
Graham Meets with British Prime Minister

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement after meeting with British Prime Minister David Cameron.

“I very much enjoyed meeting with Prime Minister Cameron. I had the pleasure of getting to know the Prime Minister when I attended the Conservative Party Conference in England several years ago.

“During our meeting today we discussed the way forward in Afghanistan, the coming transition of power in Iraq, and the importance of containing Iran’s nuclear ambitions. From my numerous visits to the Middle East, I cannot overstate how important our alliance with Great Britain has been.

“Our soldiers view their British counterparts as some of the finest in the world. And like us, they have suffered great losses in both Afghanistan and Iraq. I hope and believe President Obama and Prime Minister Cameron will be able to work together effectively on our common national security interests.

“Prime Minister Cameron is an incredibly bright, articulate voice for conservatism. He helped revive the conservative movement in England. He is now proving to be an effective leader in trying to persuade his countrymen to get serious about government entitlements and spending. I think there is much we can learn from his efforts and apply to our own nation’s spending habits.”

This is one of the most interesting mysteries in this group is naming a female entity. Cameron hates her and Graham seeks to elevate her.
I have not inquired on this, so was this Theresa May the now exposed stooge who sabotaged Brexit or is there a deeper meaning in what Cameron and Graham were both speaking on.

Jul 11 2016

Graham on Prime Minister David Cameron Resigning

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement on David Cameron resigning as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on Wednesday.
“I respect his decision as I know he’s doing what is best for his country and party. I have always found him to be a smart and reliable partner to the United States. He brought new life to the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom and has had substantial accomplishments while serving as Prime Minister. I wish him well on all future endeavors.”

It simply is interesting that two people with a slight connection would voice the same Rapunzel scenario in they both heard the same briefing.
