Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Jew Sex Machine

 Granny Panties watch out...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry praises the foresight of actress David Schwimmer in offering a woman 3000 years old a chaperone  in coming to his hotel room to interview him due to the Harvey Weinstein scandal in his assaults upon women.


 I never realized my 85 year old cherry was ripe for the pickin'

It never occurred to me that all Jews were walking erections, ready to leap out of the crapper in a robe and asking women to massage the foreskin. Thankfully David Schwimmer has this in mind in looking out for women older than dirt in alerting them that Jewish males are Sex Machines, ready to nail anything with a slot, like Russians in Germany in 1945, or like we all know by the stereotype that a Negroid will do anything that moves. We know these stereotypes to be real because of Schwimmer, but this was the first time that I have ever heard that Jews get wood for women older than Egyptian mummies.

Who knew that Rob Reiner was a sex machine.

They don't call me meathead for nothing.


Who knew that Rahm Emanuel was a sex machine.......well yeah that one we did, but that was at men's clubs in Chicago, but that was nailing other fags.
Say is Kevin Spacey Jewish?


Bad to the boner

Where was I?

Billy Crystal......yeah sex machine for vaginas older than 70.

 Oh hairy meet my Sally

If only we had all known that Jews were sex machines. I mean there could have been some Surgeon General's warning of "Caution the Surgeon General has warned that Jews are Sex Machines and while good for commerce may be hazardous to your vaginas".

Who would have known that it would be David Schwimmer who would be outing Jews. I am wondering though about Jew women, I mean that Jewess that Jimmy Kimmel used to bang, Sarah Silverman must have been a sex machine too, as she seemed to have fucked his brains out, as nothing that comes out of that boy makes any sense as Kimmel is tard.


Men think with their cocks
I fuck with their minds
That is why Jimmy Kimmel's mind is limp

I think we need to have a Schwimmer Deduction in the new Trump Tax Cuts, as that Jew Munchkin promoting these cuts, is a Sex Machine too, and us non sex machines should have a business deduction for this in protecting us all from Jews. I mean when we go out, there should be some Uber Chaperone we can call when meeting a movie producer, a doctor, a lawyer or like George Soros, as we can never be too careful in where these sex machines will show up.


Guess where my hands are now...

We have to start asking ourselves just how safe is the White House now. Gary Cohn, with that bald head all buttered up, Jared Kushner, Ivanka Kushner...........I mean, is Ivanka jumping out of showers asking for massages, is Gary Cohn running around in a robe chasing that poor Hope Hicks, and God help her if she falls, and what about that Jared Kushner with all that sticky ejaculation all over the place, is the Secret Service stuck in place as Kushner is Mr. Crazy Glue.


 Yes that is what absent without foreskin is....

Is this what we are really facing in historical reality in was Adolf Hilter really putting Jews in concentration camps or was Hitler making Europe one big concentration camp, imprisoning Europeans, as the Jews were the free ones being fed, clothed and housed, and Europeans were being protected from the Jewish Sex Machines.

All of these questions are too much to ponder, but there is no pondering what a service David Schwimmer has provided the public in warning old women what a hot sex machine he is. Yes everyone kept quiet about Harvey Weinstein, but David Schwimmer has come out of the crapper to alert the world that Harvey Weinstein is not the exception by the rule.


 The Lady and the Tramp......or is that the Kid and the Tramp

The Jewish Sex Machine.
