Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Mark of the Black Light Beast

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was contemplating the use if RFID tags in humans after a guest on Coast to Coast AM, mentioned that those pets who are chipped, developed cancer or tumors in the spots they are tagged, exactly like humans who have cell phones in bra holsters or attached to their ears, have higher rates of tumors.
It seems the electronic radio frequency, activates cells and sugars and cells begin to grow through the stimulus as cells are DNA which is a radio antenna. The point being in the Mark of the Beast that would not do people so good to be chipped, and that chip which passive (no battery) was like all chips, active when every electronics are around. So what could the mark of the beast be?

The beast first off is explained in the Bible as the resurrected Babylonian Empire system. It is noted to be glued together by the Vatican, and in Rome as the Whore is the Church of Rome, as she sits on the 7 Hills of Rome, as the Bible explains.
That understood in the beast is the last reincarnation of the Holy Roman Empire that turns on the Vatican, there is a mark whose numerical addition adds up to 666. That is where the 666 arises from, in it is the Mark in the Name of the Beast or the Roman system.

What came to mind was what if the mark was something unseen like a black light or infrared tattoo. They do indeed exist, and as we have all witnessed pneumatic vaccination guns, how difficult would it be to have a tattoo disk of the regime in Europe, and having a revolving numerical code, like your Social  Security or Citizen Identification Number in Europe. That would fulfill all the criteria in being on the forehead or hand.


It would be just like being in the grocery store in being scanned for bar codes, as every person would have the national symbol and their own numbered code, to be able to buy and sell, in order for the State to protect the Citizen from dangerous foreigners. It would in fact allow for the deportation of all foreigners.

This would make a great deal of sense too in why Soros Obama dumped so many foreigners into the West. It was not for slave labor as this trash does not work, but it was designed to create such a blacklash that the native peoples would gladly accept an identification mark for safety and for the promise of resources,  with the deportation of everyone who is not supposed to enjoying the fruits of Europa.

I have not inquired on this, but this would make sense, as it would be in public, unseen, but always there to be checked by authorities, drones, security cameras and stores, with the simple flash of a black light in the UV or ultra violet frequency.

We shall see or not see, but this flag of chipping humans is probably again an alarm feature for people to react to, so that the cartel can come back and say, "Just get this UV tat for your safety, ease of not having to carry credit cards or identification, AND WE WILL GIVE YOU ALL A DISCOUNT as all of you are quite poor now.


Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. Advice like that in protocols, the anti Christ should be donating as his kindred rich certainly are not in appreciation of all the exclusives here in saving them.


Nuff Said

