Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The What if's of Las Vegas

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

From the words of Ann Coulter to Jeff Rense, a common theme has taken shape as those in power have constructed another Warren Report Scenario, along with the Mockingbird Conspiracy Theory to overload the public and make them so confused that no one will be able to unravel the Las Vegas Massacre.

Hotel Changes, Condenses Timeline Again In Try To
Make It More Believable Paddock Did All The Shooting

FBI Wipes All Las Vegas Eyewitness Phones, Laptops Clean
Coulter On Media Las Vegas Idiocy

The reality is though on the Las Vegas Massacre is that we do not need to know everything that happened, but only require correct bits to bring about a narrative which is factual, which explains everything from Stephen Paddock to the FBI to MGM.

It all focuses on the Gateway Pundit posting, along with what Jeff Rense did, that the FBI was tampering with witnesses and wiping their electronic devices, and telling people that Stephen Paddock while ordering room service was not talking to another person in the room, but was instead play acting to make room service believe he had others with him.

Why this would be, would mean that Stephen Paddock was intending to create a conspiracy so law enforcement would be looking for others, and that concludes that Stephen Paddock intended to survive, as his packed full of Tannerite mini van concludes that Stephen Paddock had absolutely no intention of committing suicide.
That blow the FBI's scenario out the window upon examination, which is not what they intend, so let us examine why the FBI would be wiping e devices and telling hotel staff that Paddock was alone in these room service phone calls, when there is absolutely not any way the FBI could know that........unless the FBI had Stephen Paddock under surveillance.
Again another narrative which the FBI does not want developing as it points to the FBI could have, and should have stopped this like 9 11, the Boston Bombing and OKC as they were talking to the terrorists in the field and the agents in charge did not react for political reasons.

The answer in this is close to the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Jesus Campos and the not so bloody Trail 

 In closing in this, this is a photo of Mandalay Bay Security in professional at work in their main center. For legal reasons, there are cameras everywhere, including every hallway, including the 32nd floor. There is a reason that footage has not been released and will never be released. It reveals something, along with who Stephen Paddock was really speaking with in his room as guests when he was ordering room service, but the  FBI is now pressuring everyone to say, "Paddock was just fibbing as he was on the phone ordering burgers as no one was with him."

That’s what the waiters are now saying — Paddock was “speaking with others” but he was just pretending
How would room service know he was not speaking to another person?

It is this absolute nonsense which points to one absolute conclusion in this, and another exclusive in matter anti matter, in the person or persons who were in the room with Stephen Paddock who are recorded on the MGM surveillance network, as an FBI agent, agents, mole or moles, involved in what Stephen Paddock had enacting in those two hotel rooms.
No one has stated this yet, and this is the only scenario which makes sense as does Terry Nichols of OKC with his FBI mole supplying him materials.


That is the evidence in this to keep in mind, as the question is what is the FBI hiding. The only reason the FBI would be hiding something in the Nevada field office, is because it centers on Stephen Paddock was a known person of interest or a mole.
That being the reality in Stephen Paddock had weapons and cash, means he was acquiring them from some venue, for another point of distribution. As the FBI is not in the business of buying firearms, it was in the BATFE in the business of selling firearms in Eric Holders Gun Runner and Fast and Furious. This would conclude the FBI was the supplier or the BATFE, in those overseas trips Paddock took in great quantity, and the meeting in room service was an FBI asset or agent, going over details.

It is concluded that the FBI is not in the business of shooting up Las Vegas or it would have been more professional. This looks a great deal like an operation to supply Mexicans  or Muslims, or both with machine guns, and Paddock with his supplier were having a nice Vegas time of it, as he had been involved in setting up firing zones in Chicago and Boston, and these events "fell through" by deliberate sabotage, and that is what round two in Las Vegas was about, and what it appears like, in those involved got complacent, and this time the Muslims and Mexicans with moles of their own in government put it all together and decided to carry out the operation, as they knew once again that those involved would be too busy trying to cover up they were monitoring terrorists and the terrorists outsmarted them, than to go after these terror cells.

Remember the leak from a Trump member in the campaign who said Paddock had an ISIS video online, which is probably created by him to do business with Muslims so they would trust him. The Trump guy also stated nothing was coming out as the FBI was concerned that Las Vegas would trigger other events, as America does more terror monitoring in leaving these criminals roam free than in arresting and executing them.

The scenario then begins adding up, like JFK's witnesses were all silenced. Gather up all the electronic evidence and no one has anything to play over and over again, and the official narrative begins crushing the conspiracy narratives as more sensational news overtakes and the public gets weary of the story and desires new blood.

There was someone in that room or some people in that room with Stephen Paddock. The FBI is covering this up, and it will never investigated. The only logical conclusion was that an FBI mole or agent was in that room, and it fits exactly what Sheriff Lombardo stated in Paddock had to have help sometime in this from someone.

MGM is going to promote story to protect itself, which is understandable. The FBI is engaged in a like cover story which is one that points to their involvement. Do not overlook in this the fact that GUN CONTROL has vanished from this story from liberals. The deep state which controls the media, and the politicians has signaled in this that something is involved in this, which if made public is going to infuriate the American public, and it will ruin every person who was spouting off about gun control.

Those are the overlooked facts of the Las Vegas shootings. Once that is understood then all of the diversions begin to fade away, and a simple story line unfolds and a motive for Stephen Paddock in, he liked spending money, liked intrigue, so why not when approached by foreigners to launder money, and he gets questioned for being overseas, and relates that incident, that the FBI moves forward with this and develops it.

You do know that people who are overseas a great deal are questioned by the federal agents, especially when it is discovered that they have had contact with person's of interest.

If only Jim Marrs was still alive, what a series of books he would be writing about this.

Nuff Said

