Thursday, November 2, 2017

Attempted Homicide on Las Vegas Massacre Investigator

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Las Vegas resident and investigator into the Las Vegas Massacre, in Gary Holland, after appearing on the Rense Program had an attempt made on his life after espousing that what took place in Las Vegas was a multi level operation involving trained forces.

I mention this in the list of dead or missing in  the Las Vegas Massacre, focusing on something that Jeff Rense and Gary Holland did not mention in this attempt on Mr. Holland's life.

What took place was he noticed his steering was "off" while cruising down the interstate. He slowed  to 10 mph, turned off and his front end collapsed, as shown by the photo below.

While Mr. Holland's mechanic called this suspicious, what the Lame Cherry will reveal is the evidence of this in why this could not happen by accident.

In older vehicles and current, there has to be a mechanism to connect your steering wheel to the wheel to make your vehicle turn. This is called a TIE ROD, as it tie the steering together. In the photo below screen capped from the original and enhanced in red, you can see this tie rod CIRCLED in red.

Now in studying the rod, you can see it is threaded on top, meaning a burr is placed there to hold it in place. As there is movement in this for steering, you can see a HOLE in the top of the threaded bolt. Into this is placed a COTTER KEY, as this burr is a special burr like the one which holds your front wheels on, so it will not become unscrewed.


Example  of drilled threaded bolt, cotter pin, washers and slotted burr.

As Mr. Holland has a newer vehicle, that means the cotter key was new, as was thee entire assembly. As I will assume he or others service the vehicle, this will be checked at least once a year. So this would be recent in whatever was done to it.

Now for the exclamation point in this, look at that threaded bolt. If the burr which holds this piece into place had been working itself loose from a sheared off cotter pin, it would be worn. The threads would be worn off and they are not. All that is evident is the wear from someone removing the burr. It will be assumed that the burr was removed, but that would mean the threaded tie rod would drop immediately, and in someone engaged in murdering Mr. Holland, would probably place a sheer pin, of a high tensile strength metal, so it would shatter on the road at speed, drop away and all would appear an accident. Washers would be placed on the tie rod in place of the burr to take up slack. This would lead to the experience of Mr. Holland in something not feeling correct in the steering, as nothing would be holding it except friction and when it dropped away it would be yield fantastic results at high speeds.

An action like this requires some ingenuity and thought, like the vehicle of the witnesses starting on fire and burning for an hour.

There simply is not any way that this burr could have worked loose in the time necessary in there not being wear on those threads. Therefore someone was sending a road kill message to Mr. Holland. This is not has high tech as the brain wave device which shut Jeff Rense's brain down for his "accident", but it is fitting with the types of deaths that silenced the JFK witnesses and is currently picking off numbers of people who are dealing with the Las Vegas Massacre.

If one adds the Uncle of one of the primary shooting victims, who had an SUV come crashing at him, as he was associated with the Bundy testimony, there is currently:

Danny Cortreras, a multiple gun shot victim in an abandoned home who stated he had two shooters chasing him.

A couple in California, Dennis and Loraine Carver who were burned in their vehicle to bits for an hour.

A wife, Kymberley Suchomel, who died in her bed in California after organizing information about the massacre.

John Beilman and his daughter, whose communication device was in Paddock's room, in a murder suicide.

A missing valet, Chad Nishimura, who drove Stephen Paddocks van.

By the forensic evidence, an attempt was made upon Gary Holland's life to silence him. If the narrative he was promoting was bogus, the public memory of Las Vegas would fade by Christmas, and vacationers would return as this is not NFL protests. The problem is, is this is a professional job of some expertise in what was done to this vehicle for an accident. That type of skill level requires large funds or is connected to alphabet agencies. To the point, no terrorists would seek to silence Gary Holland, because it is in their interest to create a story and hysteria. So that points to those seeking to end this story.

That of course convinces more in proof that there were numbers of people involved in the Las Vegas Massacre and that the government security was aware of Stephen Paddock, as remember someone burglarized Stephen Paddock's home under the noses of Las Vegas and FBI stewardship of this case, and again was professionals.

The information Gary Holland is focusing on, has made him a person of interest to the extent that those involved attempted to neutralize him.  A mechanic with a wet operation.

To ask again,

Have the Las Vegas Murders just Started?
