As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was contemplating Tom Gresham of Gun Talk today, in when he heard about the Texas Massacre, how he stated he would have gotten up, drawn his weapon, and advanced firing on Devin Kelley, until Kelley was dead or he was dead......
This is what has puzzled me in this, especially as Senator Ted Cruz walked through that blood bath and explained what he saw in Kelley had walked down the aisle and shot people cowering there.
I was confused in hearing that, as much as when report was 50 people in the Congregation and Kelley had shot 46 of them, excluding the pastor and his wife, meaning Kelley had shot everyone in that Baptist church for a near 100% kill fire.
That is simply unheard of as Stephen Paddock was claimed to have shot 500 out of 22,000, which is not effective fire, even with other shooters.
In any building there is a fire code of two doors. In any Church there is a time honored assembly of the pews have side aisles and a center aisle, in order to deal with large numbers of people in a confined space.
From this report, apparently some people did try to leave, but do not dwell on that fact as a second report reveals a bit more about this.
Officials say Kelley was inside the church for a lengthy period of time, moving around freely as he gunned down people gathered for Sunday morning services. One woman who was wounded during the carnage described Kelley firing at churchgoers who tried to leave, shooting round after round at those cowering or wounded on the church’s floor.
David Brown, whose mother, Farida, was shot in her legs, said she described Kelley firing four shots into the torso of a woman on her left.
“With every shot, she was crying,” Brown said of the woman. “She was just staring at my mom while she tried to comfort her.” As he fired rounds into the woman, Farida Brown held her hand, telling her she was heading to heaven.
When the massacre was over, more than two dozen people were fatally wounded and 20 others were injured, half of them critically. Officials said the 26 people killed included the unborn child of one of the victims at the church.
This is the version which fits with the plumber's daughter, coming into her dad's bedroom, stating that someone was shooting up the church. Because Kelley walked from a gas station, in what appear a mask and rigging, and started shooting into the building. Apparently through the side windows, and this is where the story again makes absolutely no sense in what was going on in that building, in reading these two Mexican accounts.
Rosanne Solis and Joaquin Ramirez were sitting near the entrance to the First Baptist Church on Sunday when they heard what sounded like firecrackers and realized someone was shooting at the tiny wood-frame building.
In an interview with San Antonio television station KSAT, Solis said congregants began screaming and dropped to the floor. She could see bullets flying into the carpet and fellow worshippers falling down, bloodied, after getting hit.
For a moment, the attacked seemed to stop, and worshippers thought that police had arrived to confront the gunman. But then he entered the church and resumed “shooting hard” at helpless families, Solis said.
The gunman checked each aisle for more victims, including babies who cried out amid the noise and smoke, Ramirez said.
The couple survived by huddling close to the ground and playing dead. Solis was shot in the arm. Ramirez was hit by shrapnel.
It is human psychology to freeze, as not all is fight or flight in the opening moments of any surprising incident. What is beyond comprehension in this is people were being shot and going down. There is not one report of screams, anyone moving to help anyone else or anyone attempting to assess the situation, as in moving to lock the front doors or to tell people to move to the back door, or at least the center and telling them to get down.
Instead what we are having assembled according to what Senator Ted Cruz witnessed was 46 people cowering between pews, except for a few who apparently tried to get out, but apparently did not have sense to stay down as they moved for an exit.
We know that Kelley reloaded. I have read reports of 15 clips or magazines of 30 rounds. I am stunned in this that no one in that building when Kelley was reloading or his head was turned shooting at others did not try and rush this terrorist, as no greater love hath any man than to lay down their life for another.
Seriously, in this, there are usually pencils for communion forms in the pews, there are hymnals, women have purses, all can be a weapon or a distraction. In any church, give me 5 seconds to close the gap, and a pencil and as G. Gordon Liddy stated to Dick Cavett long ago, "I can kill you".
In that building, there was absolutely no fight or flight. There was not any disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane cutting off guards ears or running naked for their lives. These bleaters to the last one just laid there and took it, or told the poor Baptists, next stop is Heaven.
This is most troubling because if this is what Baptists are, they have just made all buildings where Baptists are targets. Not one person resisted. That is not the teaching of Christ in the least as He told the disciples to buy weapons and Jesus was the one whipping bankers and beating them up in the Temple. There is an absolute difference in Jesus laying down His life as a sacrifice and these Baptists laying down as sheep for the slaughter.
Where were the Elders? Where were the parents whose first instinct should have been to assess the situation after recoiling in instinct to give direction to help the wounded, and then to secure the building and move your family in the opposite direction? None of that took place according to these eyewitness reports and none of this happened according to Senator Ted Cruz who walked through that gore.
What took place in that building was not Christian teaching of laying down your life for others nor protecting life. Jesus from the cross was protecting His Mother in securing her with St. John. What happened in that building put every Christian in absolutely more danger and jeopardy, because it was the Men of Texas not in a Baptist building who stopped the murdering and risked their lives as Christ and Texas advocate to save lives.
Each person is going to have to abide by where God leads you to self defense, but anyone going into a Church now, in not having a concealed carry handgun, which they have trained themselves in is asking for a toe tag, because the Baptist leadership ain't going to take charge and save you and your parishioners are going to bleat at you to die quietly.
These things have to be stated, as it is beyond me why people will not fight tooth and claw, not because they love this world, but because they will fight anyone trying to steal their life and protect the lives of their families.
Methodist Ministers in the Ohio used to beat ruffians before service and hang them after the service. America has a worthless clergy and it has produced a flock that let America be overthrown by sodomites.