Tuesday, November 7, 2017


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti  matter.

Most of you have never worked in the "show". So you have no comprehension of what Mockingbird entails in the details,  so the Lame Cherry points things out to you sometimes to reveal to you how you operate in a valley of thought and never comprehend what the stars are showing you beyond your cloudy horizons.

The subject of this is Hicksgate, in who wanted to piss on First Lady Melania Trump, use Hope Hicks as the wedge, to get Hicks fired in her access to Mr. Trump, via the conduit of Melania Trump being piqued in Japan.


Let me take this apart for you, as you do not know what you are seeing, just like orange filters on Donald Trump in the debates to make him look odd.

Ok this is the real photo in the Daily Mail UK.

This is then the photo in the Daily Caller.


Notice anything different in the photos? Someone has invested a great deal of filters, touch ups on lips, hair color and other enrichments. If you look at the Caller photo, you will notice the bulls eye effect in how Hope Hicks is centered, focused and every thing else is darkened and fuzzy.

That is a definitive style  and you children will not recognize it, as the homosexual media turns all women into hosebag bleached out looking lesbians like Gweneth Paltrow for the past thirty years. What you are looking at is a style of Madison Avenue, Chicago and Los Angeles. This is top line artistry.

As this is a scientific analysis and it is important in this examination, let us look at the epitome of the artists at work in when it was perfected for marketing.


Recognize what they did to Hope Hicks now in the reformatting is the mirror image of Playboy 1985 in Donna Smith?

Here is the 1984 tux girl, Liz Stewart framed exactly in the same style as Donna Smith, same sharp lighting on the subject, same soft lighting in the background, same colors jumping to catch the eye, and all centered on the woman.

This is Liz Stewart modern, just like the original Hope Hicks photo before it was enhanced to piss off Melania Trump.

Two distinct styles of work as diverse as DaVinci and Rembrandt. Now the question is what 1980's throwback was dug up to create Hicksgate, because this was deliberate and just did not happen. This type of work was before Adobe Photoshop, this is the stuff of airbrushes, jewelers lenses and filters. This is artform that took the mellow 1970's coming off LSD and stoned on marijuana, onto the Medina Arkansas and Miami Florida coke blitzes of doing a line with 100 dollar bills.

The photos of Hope Hicks just did not happen. You are seeing different intelligence community artists framing Ms. Hicks. One is the CIA lesbian taint of the modern era and one is the CIA coke queen of the 1980's. This is MI6 Princess Diana pale angel of light purity against the whore in red Nancy Reagan, now as Hope Hicks and Melania Trump, but those Americans at the Daily Caller which just did not happen like sunshine had to put their filter on this, and that filter was the old school, the last hurrah, they dug up one of the old skeletons as 'they' wanted this frame up done right, the old way, not like the cock ups as of late.

I can tell you that there is only one female who frames herself repeatedly as the 1980's Marla Maples and an immense deal of work goes into that image.

Those behind this are being clever, to put a gentle Ivanka reminder into this in who thinks she is the pretty one. Those behind this are playing on the internal friction in a multi layer operation that wants Hope Hicks out as she is not "one of their own" and only a Gary Cohn cuddle bunny, and their focus is the Trump women.

Your lesson is sufficient for today and once again you missed it all in the intelligence operation.
You had no idea other woman Ivanka was playing step mummy, but those who run the Tavistock and Stanford maze knew it and just spiked it one more time for effect, as their surveillance has revealed the inner group is at friction in Hope Hicks.

Hicks either deliberately made herself the focus for this turmoil or she is not that bright.

Nuff Said
