As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
With the revelations of Donna Brazile concerning the criminal vote fraud of Hillary Rodham Clinton in colluding with Debbie Wasserman Schultz of the Democratic National Committee to disenfranchise Democratic voters from their rights in voting for Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, a reality must be spoken of in this and that this is a crime. This is Election Fraud.
Brazile’s piece in Politico describes her shock at the discovery of formal legal paperwork between the two entities when she took the reins at the DNC in August 2016. Brazile had been tapped for the job when DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was forced to resign. Leaked emails had shown how Schultz had been putting her finger on the scale to help Clinton while the insurgent Bernie Sanders campaign was making a serious bid to seize the party nomination away from New York’s favorite carpetbagger.
Both the Republican and Democrat Party in these United States has experienced these machinations of absolute fraud and criminal cheating. On the Republican side, their electors have suffered through John McCain submarining Fred Thompson in 2008, as the Bush family destroyed all the Conservative contenders. That same year Barack Obama was intimidating voters from Hillary Clinton, and in 2012 and 2016 Republicans looked at a stacked field which nominated the establishment Mitt Romney, and in 2016 it was supposed to be Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, gaining the nomination without the base in more fraud, but Hillary Clinton was running the most corrupt voter suppression ever in American history, in both the Democratic Primary and the General Election against Mr. Trump.
Reports indicated that California votes for Bernie Sanders were not even counted and were left stacked in boxes. The reason Mrs. Clinton did not win at cheating in the general is because Mr. Trump's voters simply turned out in such a record margin that the Clinton machine could not flip enough votes to her, as Barack Hussein Obama did in his two magical victories where each time 10 million votes disappeared from Republicans and appeared in the Obama tallies.
Consider, then, that a formal agreement signed by the DNC and the Clinton campaign was executed in August 2015, two months before Biden made his decision.
The agreement, according to Brazile, “specified that in exchange for raising money and investing in the DNC, Hillary would control the party’s finances, strategy and all the money raised. Her campaign had the right of refusal of who would be the party communications director, and it would make final decisions on all the other staff. The DNC also was required to consult with the campaign about all other staffing, budgeting, data, analytics and mailings.”
The fact in this is that Hillary Clinton through a bribe of raising money and promises to advance those like Debbie Wasserman Schultz politically, overthrew the Democratic Party to circumvent the will of the democratic voters. With money and graft, she literally disenfranchised Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders, along with every other democrat from a fair chance of presenting themselves to voters in a free election.
This is beyond all Hamrod Clinton, as the parties do not matter as Barack Obama has ensconced the conglomerate control of America, where a Nazi, community organized, National Socialized system of politicians raising taxes from the people, enforced by the police state, turn that money over to conglomerates, who the politicians all work for. It has corrupted the entire system and drives the endless wars for resources America is bankrupted over across the globe.
This is what Donna Brazile has exposed in the crimes of Hillary Clinton, but do not expect Mrs. Clinton to be charged on this, as Jeff Sessions as Attorney General has exposed himself as corrupt Deep State as Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch, as pedophiles are in the news daily, Americans are being massacred and cover ups shroud the land as in Las Vegas, and Hillary Clinton commits one more felony crime against America, and Jeff Sessions can only oversee seizing American property from Citizens or allowing Robert Mueller to railroad Donald Trump into the greater control of the cartel.
Real crimes have been uncovered and not one indictment again.