Ms. Judge, Amy Berman Jackson
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In the court cases against the innocent Paul Manafort and innocent Rick Gates as before Obama appointed Judge, Ms. Amy Berman Jackson, a reality is forming, in when Robert Mueller is creating indictments on fiction as fantasy as Russian hacking, his coven of attorneys are effective at steamrolling the innocent to cages like animals, but once out of their flat world in the courts, their cases melt away before the Truth.
Much has been made of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates creative claims of credit card information, in being flight risks, which is nothing but Mueller attempting to psychologically assault people he is accusing again by making their own homes a prison. Interesting in this is Ms. Berman Jackson reconsidering the house arrest as an abuse of justice, and looking to GPS tracking to keep tabs on Mr. Manafort and Mr. Gates.
The duo are already at liberty to attend school events, religious services, doctor's appointments and other venues, to expose the fraud of this house arrest. It is a point now that on Monday Mr. Gates attorney will enter a motion so Mr. Gates can continue to travel and engage in business, as he does have to make a living.
As the Truth appears, Robert Mueller is exposed as a fool and his coven of investigators as incompetent. We have been told that Paul Manafort has several passports, but when the Truth appears, Mueller's frame job is exposed for the darkness it is.
Manafort also has three passports. And prosecutors say that in March, he registered a phone and an email account using an alias. He then used that phone to travel to China, Mexico and Ecuador. The court filings do not say what alias he used.
In a response Thursday, Manafort's attorney, Kevin Downing, countered that the passports are in his client's name and noted that, though "it may be surprising to some, it is perfectly permissible to have more than one U.S. passport."
He dismissed the allegation that Manafort was a flight risk, saying his client has traveled abroad and returned to the U.S., all while being well aware that he was under federal investigation and faced a possible criminal indictment.
Downing also denied that Manafort was involved in any criminal activity related to his Ukrainian work. All funds that went through offshore bank accounts were from "legal sources,"
Incredible is it not? Paul Manafort was indicted on activities which are not against the law. Americans can have more than one passport. Americans can have passports for clients. Americans can have phones with not their own names on them. Americans can have clients overseas and use Cyprus bank accounts which are monitored by the European Union, have shell corporations to keep different clients assets separated, and it is all legal.
As Mr. Manafort's attorney informed the court, money launderers usually are not bringing money into America to conceal the funds, as American banking keeps records and reports those fund transfers to the authorities. This is a ridiculous case against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, as they have admitted their one purpose was to bring Ukrainian assets into the American sphere, and out of the Russian orbit.
Paul Manafort and Rick Gates should be given the Presidential Medal of Freedom for continuing the liberty Ronald Reagan began for Eastern Europe and not be prosecuted for it FOR LEGAL ACTIVITIES.
In looking at Mueller's case, I am reminded of a political race long ago, where in a large American city filled with ignorant people, the opponent of the incumbent started publishing university words like PHILANTHROPIST in connection with the leader in the race, and man lost, because the public thought it was something crooked in being ignorant.
That is the foundation of Robert Mueller's case.
Robert Mueller was given a far too wide ranging witch hunt by Rob Rosenstein to look into Russian hacking. None of these cases which Mueller has produced have nothing to do with an original expectation from Justice.
There is a case about lying to the FBI. Now there are two cases of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, who are being prosecuted for electing Donald Trump, and for pissing off George Soros in acquiring Ukrainian moneys for Americans, instead of the Soros global financial cartel. That is what these indictments are entirely about. This has nothing to do with any crimes committed.
The Judge though appears aware of the house of cards on which she and whoever else in the courts were involved in bringing these charges, from pre dawn raids by the FBI, to grand jury indictments, to what is taking place in this court, where the Ms. Berman Jackson is considering a gag order to deny Mr. Manafort and Mr. Gates their right to speaking to the press about their cases, now that they have been smeared by Robert Mueller.
"I expect counsel to do their talking in this courtroom and in their pleadings and not on the courthouse steps," the judge said at the outset of the 25-minute session. Manafort's attorney on Monday had called the indictment "ridiculous" during a statement to reporters outside the courthouse.
In the precedents of the Law, Robert Mueller with the FBI seized attorney client privileged information, so all "evidence" in this court case should have already been thrown out and these two innocent men freed and it should be Robert Mueller and those he is involved with should be under investigation for abuse of power.
The All and Mighty Robert Mueller is guilty of the worse type of misconduct. He has violated the prime directive of all prosecutors who are counseled to never let their zeal obliterate all mercy in order to destroy Americans while the regime engages in a witch hunt.
- The quality of mercy is not strain'd,
- It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
- Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest;
- It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:
- 'Tis mightiest in the mightiest: it becomes
- The throned monarch better than his crown;
- His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
- The attribute to awe and majesty,
- Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
- But mercy is above this sceptred sway;
- It is enthroned in the hearts of kings,
- It is an attribute to God Himself;
Robert Mueller and his coven of prosecutors have proven themselves not to be God nor King, but absent of Mercy without leave of Justice.
Nuff Said