As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I happened to see on Drudge, the Ric Flair boast from WWE that he had sex with 10,000 women.
Wrestler Ric Flair says he's slept with 10,000 women...
I started considering past observations of what WWE groupies look like in.........well you decide in these photos posted online what you think of the WWE prototypes that Ric Flair would have choice of for 10,000 intercourses.
Let us begin with these two lovely girls from the Ric Flair era. They appear to be related or related to the same non attractive gene, along with a gene which is not intelligent enough to know WWE is all fake, meant to suck the biggest amount of money from the largest unintelligent graphic. #RicFlairGrannyPantie
Here is our favorite Sarah Palin look alike, if you are half blind from masturbating and the other half is due to having just consumed orange car antifreeze #GoRicFlair!
How about this gem. What are the odds this one is a real sugar daddy's dream, married a half dozen times, stretch marks as big deep as the Grand Canyon, drug addict, likes anal with a Corona bottle when Ric is not around and has arms as big as Ric Flair. Real erection quality after a keg of beer. #RicFlairChinUps
What more can be added to these lovely Flair candidates. Plain and Jane. #RicFlairHot
How about a red head sort of and a blonde head sort of. Yes it is Angelina Jolie and Diane Sawyer after gallon of Wild Turkey. #RicFlairCelebrityDream
Finally, the alluring Randy Orton with what he has allured in offspring of Ric Flair. #RickFlairTequilaAndTheWorm.
After witnessing what hangs around WWE, apparently Rick Flair gets an erection over getting an erection and he is blind, without any discernment and ..........he must have 3/4 of his blood being penicillin from all the cootie injections he was taking bi daily after being around his stuff.
Nuff Said