Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Landslide Trump for the Democrats

The slow drips of the death of the GOP from inside 1600 Penn Avenue


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As this blog predicted, Donald Trump does not have any coattails in elections, but he certainly has tied the noose around the entire Republican Party with is mutual soap dropping with Paul Ryan.

The thing in this is this:

Ed Gillsepie did not embrace President Trump, but President Trump has been embracing everything Ed Gillsepie has embraced in Bush era and Paul Ryan liberalism.
Voters do not want this Obama rationed death and Goldman Sachs tax cuts for the rich, as that is what Hillary Clinton is, Barack Obama was and Jew Bush is sacrificing America for on Muslim bribes.

Donald Trump  has allowed his voters to be gut punched for the past year. He is backing the same Tea Party hating GOPliters which just got whipped. 2018 will be a disaster, including Mr. High Rise backing democrats like Heidi Heitkamp in North Dakota, and Donald Trump will be primaried in 2020, as he has been cuddling all the things these GOPliters were just rejected by the voters over.

Nuff Said

