Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Who Predicted the Astros would win

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Yes the Astros *** the World Series.

It seems that some popular girl told you all this was already decided.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

The World Series Slant Eyes

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am going to address something here ok about the World Series. Houston is going to win, because it flooded out, just like New Orleans got to steal a Super Bowl when they had water problems.

That is what was behind the dramatic come back of Houston over the Dodgers in Game 2. It is all bullshit for ratings in staged drama.

Of course it was going to go 7 games for revenue, and because game 6 was thrown to add to the drama. It is the way you manage things when the NFL is being driven into the ground. It is not to say that the games were not entertaining and good drama.

It is just another one of those Lame Cherry observations which proved correct again.

I will state for a fact though, this was not equal to Frank Viola and Jeff Reardon, nor Jack Morris and Rick Aguilera.  The only pitcher which I saw worth anything was this Morton, but he was rusty as hell until he got warmed up. Then his stuff was working. No Burt Blylevan, but there was only one curve ball master.
If you can ever find some footage of Blylevan, you will see a baseball doing things which are impossible. He could throw a ball 8 feet out of the strike zone, behind the batter, and by the time it reached the plate, it would curve in and down for a strike.

With cable losing all it's sports viewers, the NFL will bankrupt itself. It is losing around 600 million a week on stadium receipts.

Anyway, thank God this blog was right again.
