Thursday, November 2, 2017

General Patton's Secret Star Wars Mission of World War II

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In reading the Memoirs of General George S. Patton in the 3rd Army in World War II, one is educated to the genius of warfare in men as Alexander, Sherman and Patton, in moulding warfare to speed and strength, to surprise the enemy in the same tactics.

The German Wehrmacht had created the finest war machine in Europe. Except in intrigue, it had not suffered defeat as it evolved from Frederick the Great to General Rommel.  This was the Blitzkrieg, the Lightning Warfare, and yet in Patton, the finest Atlantic General in the world, the Germans simply were outdone in their own game.

General Patton was simple in his warfare. It was always on the attack, meaning he advanced whether with his M 1 Rifle or Sherman tanks, all covered by that wonderful invention of the P 40 Thunderbolt fighter bomber, which was the finest combat aircraft for ground warfare devised.

This though is not a story of Patton's Surprise Warfare of coming over mountains with tanks to grab the Germans by the nose as he kicked them in the pants. This is about something in his memoirs which made absolutely no sense to me.

The 3rd Army was the greatest division of World War II. Non equaled in German, Russian or Japanese deployment. No force could accomplish what the 3rd Army could under Patton.

Patton was stymied by his own command as he moved too fast, and finally it was the point that the Soviets were supposed to take Berlin, and that is where the memoirs take the odd turn, as General Patton is sent south out of combat and into the Czech Frontier, which was supposed to be Soviet "liberated".

This quote fills in a bit more of what General Patton was up to.,0,-103

The   rapid   eastward   push   that   had  brought   the   Third   Armored
Division  to  Nordhausen  did  not  stop  there.  Disregarding  agreements
signed by the  exiled  Czech  government and  the  Soviet Union, troops of
Patton's  Third  Army  to  the  east  of  Nordhausen  crossed  the   Czech
frontier on May 6.
Deep into the  Soviet-designated zone of occupation, a forward unit of
Patton's  forces  entered  Pilsen  that morning.  Records  I'd  had  sent  to  me
from the U.S.  National Archives before I left England showed that U.S.
forces had the run of the  Skoda Works for six days, until the Red Army
showed up on May  12. Following protests from Moscow, the U.S. Third
Army was eventually forced to withdraw.
Six days is a long time if you're retrieving something you already know
to be there.
Had Kammler already done his deal with the Americans? 

Skoda Works were part of the German Industrial Secret Nazi Advanced Warfare State managed by the SS. During this period Hans Kammler who managed the SS concentrated labor group of factories and camps, was in western Germany, but disappeared to reappear in the Czech region.
The background on this is, the Germans had 4 basic divisions of advanced warfare; missiles, jets, nuclear and anti gravity munitions. Kammler had lost to Von Braun the missiles and the jets to another German officer, and Bormann was using the nuclear material as his bargaining chip, so all that was left was the advanced works on the Frontier for Kammler to deal with to save his life, and it just happens to be where General Patton was sent in a dynamic Blitzkrieg movement to secure this region for almost a week, while the Americans hauled away all of the technology and then turned the region and the factories over to the communists.

General Patton does not make any explanation in his memoirs of any of this. It is quite odd in how he relates they are basically called off to sit in nowhere, and then moves back to the American line.  The reality is General Patton was the source for securing the most advanced warfare items the German SS had developed in one of the most fantastic coups of the war.

The Americans had forward search teams scouring Germany of all industrial and military secrets. The British in racism simply disregarded it all, as they would not bring themselves to the idea that Germany was more advanced than England. So it fell to the Americans and this secret mission of General Patton to secure these state secrets.

General Patton greatly pleased the political and military leadership by his astute advance, as they rewarded him with command of Germany after the war.

This though is the Secret Mission of General George S. Patton. No one ever knew this Hero secured for America the foundation of Star Wars technologies which Ronald Reagan would later deploy.

The hidden histories and their meanings are still having the light shone on them, even in the 21st century.

Nuff Said
