Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas, lions and tigers and Trumps, On My!!!!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am disappointed as a Christian, an American, and especially the denial of the German part of American Christmas, for all the good things of which people think of Christmas in what makes it pretty in trees, lights, feasting and presents to honor the Lord Christ, were absent from the Trump  Christmas.

Instead the Trump's have a psychological schism that inviting in the Nigger babies is somehow a New York meaning that you have the Spirit of Christmas by letting them in the front door for a photo op to prove how non racist you are.
Why not send in federal troops to stop the slaughter of Blacks in Chicago to prove you care about Black life instead of throwing golden balls at them with a Vatican cheap ass smile.


Yes teach the coon babies to throw breakable ornaments, so they go home and bust things up, embed the glass in the carpet so it cuts little coon feet for years in public housing, and they get their asses beat by their Mama's for breaking things they can not afford.

In the Trump mind, the Jigaboo is the lowest on the scale, as no Latins are invited in nor are Asians, as I guess they have to show up for work, along with the White Cracker trash, who do not get a photo op either.

But what Donald Trump does honor, and perhaps he has hopes of being the perpetual dictator too, which is fine by me, as maybe if Mr. President serves for 16 years, he will get around to keeping his promises.......

But this from Steve Bannon on the JARVANKA...........

"The railhead of all bad decisions is the same railhead: Javanka,"

Bannon, who returned to rightwing site Breitbart News after being forced out of the White House in August, recalled an Oval Office meeting in which he accused Ivanka of being "the queen of leaks". The first daughter allegedly retorted: "You're a fucking liar!"

"Ivanka was a fount of bad advice during the campaign."

As for Kushner, Bannon made little attempt to disguise his contempt. "He doesn't know anything about the hobbits or the deplorables" -- using two ironic terms for Trump supporters.
I'd assume Trump feels like Ivanka is one of the only people he can trust, the only problem is her advice is terrible.

I kind of thought that Orthodox Jews were sort of religious, but with Donald Trump handing out pardons to Jewish slave traders, and Jael Ivanka Kushner's prayer being "Shma ye fucking Israel, Adonai fucking Elohenu,  Adonai fucking echad".

Odd how you never heard Patti Reagan phoning up Nancy and saying, "How the fuck you doing there on Christmas there Ma?"
Never heard Chelsea asking Hillary, "How the fuck is the Christmas tree Mom?"
Even the Obama girls were never heard singing, "Oh Muslim tree, oh Muslim tree, this fucking Muslim tree is so fucking pretty".
Just that religious Ivanka, firing the Nigs, driving the Christians out being profane in the White House.

Say do you think that is why Melania has the Nig children around is because John Kelly and the Kushners drove that poor Omarosa out the door.

But back to President Don, in he honored the dictator Franklin Roosevelt with a special communist ornament.


Yes the father of communism in America, the dictator who refused to leave office, forcing Congress to pass an amendment to keep another asshole from seizing power, the man who got Pearl Harbor bombed, started World War II, which cost millions of lives, got an ornament.

The irony of this is this ornament has real gold and it was FDR that confiscated all the gold from old women and made it illegal for Americans to own gold for the globalist control of America.

Yes, what could be better than wasting America resources on that traitor FDR.

It is all the Trumpmas though, in no Christians, no Jesus, no Whites, no Asians, no Latins, but lots of what looks like being stuck in goddamn Northwest territories willow patch, freezing your ass off at 60 below in a rabbit patch.


There ain't nothing fond about willow whips, as willow whips snapping your face in 60 below weather hurts like hell, cuts you and that damned ice is like cut glass. That ain't Christmas cheer to me nor to Germans, as no one who has to be out in the Black Forest wants to be frosted like the forest, slipping on frost, sliding off the mountain and not found till spring after you freeze to death in that frost.

I just live in reality world. I don't look out of ivory towers at killer frost and think it is pretty as I see the death in it. I don't collect Niggers to prove I am not a racist as I know hauling them out of their habitat like Muslims, Mexicans and Asians gets your jobs taken, your women knocked up and their murderous relatives appearing with bombs and bullets.

This is the Trumpas, the Trump psyche of what is "pretty" and what is "Christmas". It is void of existential experience. Christmas is not photo ops with Nigs, white sticks in a bucket lining a hall,  nor Jael Ivanka profanity.

What a Christmas, another one without Christ, without Christians and the majority of Americans, including White Americans, but then the Whites will be out of the picture in 20 years.

Where is the Jesus in the Trump Christmas?

