Monday, December 25, 2017

Nikki Haley's World War Binomo

It has come to my attention that Homoslavia is a threat
to Minister Anal Fisher of Labia....


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As 2017 AD in the year of our Lord, came to a close, the media was all erect over that hot cow Nikki Haley at the United Nations for going jihad against the Muslim oil confederation being against Donald Trump moving the US embassy to Judea to Jerusalem as US law states must be accomplished.

The dripping for the netherly Haley who has been off the Trump Train from day one, was so intense that the amorous were pleading that Haley would be the next President and a woman at that.

That though was then and this is now, as the same Russian pranksters who phoned up fag Elton John pretending to be President Putin, phoned up Nikki Haley, pretending to be the Polish Prime Minister, and started pleading with Haley over the dire straights of Binomo Island, a fictional people and fictional place, in a fictional diplomatic row with Mother Russia.

Haley, ever ready to start a nuclear war was right on it, promising the fictional Polish Prime Minister that Russia would be taught to keep it's place and that Nikki Haley knows all about Binomo, a place that does not exist, except in Nikki Haley's mind.

“Do you know Binomo?” the impersonator asked. “They have declared independence. They had elections, and we suppose Russians had its intervention.”
“Yes, of course they did, absolutely,” Haley confidently replied.

“And now this Binomo land makes the situation in the South China Sea even more tense,” the pranksters said, posing as the Polish PM.
“And we’re aware of that. We've been watching that very closely. And I think we will continue to watch as we deal with the issues that keep coming up about the South China Sea,” Haley replied.
Continuing with the issue of alleged Russian interference in the world’s political affairs, the Polish PM-imposter asked Haley whether or not “Putin [will] be aggressive regarding Europe next year?”
“It is hard to know what Russia is doing right now. I think what we have seen in the Security Council and otherwise is they are trying to be relevant in every region and they are trying to have some sort of say in every region,” she replied. “In some cases, it has worked for them and in some cases, it hasn’t. So they don't have the influence that I think they would like to have but they are certainly trying to get that.”
“I think that many of the other countries, whether it is the Security Council or otherwise, are watching it very cautiously and carefully to make sure that they don't get too much of a foothold where they can cause chaos,” she continued.
“They are aggressive and they can be difficult to work in the Council... And they do try to cause some disruption, but we manage them and we continue to remind them what their place is,” Haley told the ‘Polish PM,’ just days before Poland begins a two-year term as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council (UNSC).

I will repeat in this is the Nikki Haley who was touted as the replacement for Rex Tillerson and as the first female President. This is a woman so stupid that she can be rightly accused of thinking with her genitals, as her history is of lifting her skirt when she goes into heat.

Seriously, Nikki Haley is a woman who is vacuous. By the above, by her tantrums all summer against Russia,  Nikki Haley does not belong at State, does not belong in the White House and does not belong in  the United Nations.

President Donald Trump should immediately demand the resignation of Nikki Haley as she is not woman enough to resign herself after being exposed for a nitwit.

Nikki Haley has served the purpose in getting her out of the Governorship for Donald Trump's friend the Lt. Governor could be Governor replacing the cow in rut.

It is time to appoint a real United Nation's Ambassador to promote an American of standing in appointing Allan Keyes as the legitimate American ambassador to the United Nations.

