Tuesday, December 12, 2017

For the Love of a Vietnam War

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Soon enough the world on PBS will have more Ken Burns bastardization of history in some more liberal whining drivel, in this time the focus is the Vietnam War. The Lame Cherry though has been giving you a reality of Vietnam censored of the traitors in the red media, who with liberals in various regimes in America brought ruin to the American victory in country.

This is about Australia. Yes Australia fought in Vietnam and the Australians loved the war. They began in country in 1965 as part of the SEATO treaty to defend against communists, and from the first the Diggers were a professional and heroic group who have been far too long overlooked in history.

There were 50,000 Australians who served in Vietnam over 10 years. Their largest contingent was 8000 Soldiers in 1968 and they were a splendid group. Their advisers were the first to train the Mong people and were in the thick of it in every action. Contrary to the whining liberal myth, the Australian special forces numbering around 500 not only served their tour, but signed up for multiple tours in Bush Warfare.

The Australians have always been the vanguard along with the Canadians of the British fighting forces. I wouldn't give a damn for the English troops as they had horrid officers, tommies who just were wasted in war, and all they did well was die. The Australians though are different Colonial People, like the Kings African Rifles of Rhodesia. They are an exemplary group of men.

An example of this is WO2 (Warrant Officers) Keith Payne who was awarded the Victoria Cross. In 1969, Payne was in Vietnam in command of  MIKE, a mobile strike force of native Soldiers. His company was hit hard on three sides. He was repeatedly wounded in the arms and hands, but kept up the fight.
He exited his perimeter several times to rescue another American advisor, several MIKE Soliders with success, and then proceeded to extricate his group of Montagnard AKA Mong fighters through enemy fire and territory.
For this remarkable feat, he was awarded the Victoria Cross and at over 80 years old is still living in Australia as a national hero.

Payne was not the exception, but the rule with Australians. He had fought in Korea, been stationed in various hell holes of heat in the Pacific and gladly took to Vietnam, and performed his duty with perfect honor and bravery.
It did not matter with the Australians, if it was Tet and they were outnumbered they never gave ground, and if it was in the jungle with the MIKE forces, they were one with them and at home.

These are stories lost in Vietnam deliberately, in all the propaganda from the globalists, when Vietnam to the Australians was just another picnic in the bush. They enjoyed themselves immensely and thrived in Vietnam as did most of the Americans there. It is though the malcontents who are always focused upon.

These Soldiers need to be remembered and celebrated, because they were the real Vietnam and not this endless parade on PBS of whining people crying about having to shoot some goddamn communists. What could have been more of a jolly adventure than sitting up ambush with Claymores, starlights and grenades in a jungle night, and killing the enemy with precision and professionalism.

Real Soldiers enjoy combat and only have ire when it is the enemy killing their people, not the other way around.

The blood of two of my cousins consecrated Vietnam. One was assassinated on an LZ as he sat in the pilot seat of a Huey and the other had a VC mortar attack walk it's way across the base where it blew him to pieces. It is always said of the long term plans of Asians in having a game plan. My family is waiting for another round in one more war to make those communists bleed and die as the score is not even.

The Australians are the finest of people, if they would quit disarming themselves and being led around by those bloody liberals. They are a fine lot of people I have a great affection for. I do not want their service forgotten nor tainted in more Vietnam propaganda. The ANZACS need to be remembered and celebrated.


Nuff Said
