Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Roy Moore about to hang Mitch McConnell on the Ethic's Committee Scaffold

Pandora's McConnell


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the election of Judge Roy Moore to the Senate, we now have before us the threat of GOPliter Mitch McConnell to bring Senator Roy Moore before the Senate Ethics Committee, and what the Lame Cherry wills to explain here, is I welcome this inquiry into Judge Roy Moore for things he is accused of doing before he was even in the Senate, because the Lame Cherry invested the time to read the rules of the ethics committee investigation, and in those rules Senator Roy Moore will be able to unleash his own inquisition with devastating results. As a tease in this to set the stage, Stephanie McCrummen of the Washington Post who has been running this lynching of the innocent Judge Roy Moore, will be subpoenaed by the Judge, along with all of her notes, her phone calls, contacts, payments and actions for Judge Roy Moore to examine.

The first stage of this is the committee begins by issuing subpeonas in the opening of the inquiry.

1) Subpoenas may be authorized
(A) the Select Committee; or
(B) the chairman and vice chairman, acting jointly.
 Any such subpoena shall be issued and signed by the chairman and the
vice chairman and may be served by any person designated by the chairman
and vice chairman.

Those people called before the committee will all be on record and their words recorded, to be examined.

Such record shall include Senators’ votes on any question on which a
 recorded vote is held.
 The record of a witness’s  testimony, 

It is mandatory that the committee notify Senator Roy Moore of this investigation, along with everything he is being investigated for, and in this Senator Roy Moore in public can issue a full response to the charges and to any additional questions.
One must understand that  Roy Moore in response has an open forum. He can respond for weeks and in detail. He can literally call the liars, liars, and there can not be any objections as those are the rules.

 NOTICE TO RESPONDENT: The Committee shall give written notice
 to any known respondent who is the subject of an adjudicatory review. The
 notice shall be sent to the respondent no later than five working days after the
 Committee has voted to conduct an adjudicatory review. The notice shall
 include a statement of the nature of the possible violation, and description of
 the evidence indicating that a possible violation occurred. The Committee may offer
 the respondent an opportunity to present a statement, orally or in writing, or to respond to questions from members of the Committee, the Committee staff, or outside counsel.

If this committee is politically suicidal enough to recommend discipline on Roy Moore, this opens the door for Roy Moore's nuclear option in responding. Roy Moore can name names and expose everything, including Mitch McConnell sending 30 million dollars to defeat Christian Roy Moore.
To the point in this, what do you think 100 million Evangelicals and Catholics will react to when a conspiracy is exposed against Christians for the first time in public, instead of where it has been hidden away in private.

  RIGHT  TO  HEARING:  The  Committee  may  hold  a  public or  executive
hearing in any preliminary inquiry, adjudicatory review, or other proceeding. The
Committee  shall  accord  a  respondent  an  opportunity  for  a  hearing  before  it
recommends disciplinary action against that respondent to the Senate or before it imposes an order of restitution or reprimand. (See Rule 4(d)

This is the A bomb in the right of Roy Moore, in Senator Moore has the right to mention anyone in his testimony, and once those people are mentioned, as in his defender in the stepson of Beverly Nelson who called her a liar, this young man then has the right to appear before the committee and in public, lay out all of the dirt on this wicked stepmother, as do all the others who know all of the dirt on these lying women put up to this by the Washington Post.

  RIGHT  TO  TESTIFY:  Any  person  whose  name  is  mentioned  or  who  is specifically
 identified or otherwise referred to in testimony or in statements made by
a Committee member, staff member or outside counsel, or any witness, and who
 reasonably believes that the statement tends to adversely affect his or her
reputation may—(1) Request to appear personally before the Committee to testify in his or her own behalf; or(2) File a sworn statement of facts relevant to the testimony or other evidence or statement of which he or she complained Such request and such statement shall be submitted to the Committee for its consideration and action.

This is the scorched earth part of this in Senator Roy Moore has the right to cross examine every witness who is stupid enough to come before this committee and Roy Moore can summon his own witnesses.
This is not something without teeth, because as the Lame Cherry stated at the beginning of this, Roy Moore can subpeona everyone involved at the Washington Post, Roy Moore can subpeona Mitch McConnell's involvement. Roy Moore can subpeona Jeb Bush's faggot, Tim Miller who planted false stories in the press about the Judge. Roy Moore can subpeona White House Chief of Staff John Kelly who attempted to influence the Alabama elections by inserting his protege who oversaw the rise of pedophilia in Afghanistan.

This is just the start of the hornet's nest that Roy Moore is about to unleash, all thanks to Mitch McConnell.

(A) In adjudicatory hearings, any respondent and any other person who
obtains  the  permission  of  the  Committee,  may  personally  or  through counsel
cross-examine witnesses called by the Committee and may call witnesses in his or
her own behalf.
(B) A  respondent  may  apply  to  the  Committee  for  the  issuance  of subpoenas
for  the  appearance  of witnesses or  the  production  of documents on his or her behalf.
An application shall be approved upona  concise  showing  by  the  respondent  that  the  proposed  testimony  or evidence is relevant and appropriate, as determined by the Chairman andVice Chairman.
 With respect to witnesses called by a respondent, or other individual given permission  by  the  Committee,  each  such  witness  shall  first  be examined by
the party who called the witness or by that party’s counsel.

Mitch McConnell is the grandest fucktard in the United States Senate. He is loathed by the right and a tool of the sodomite deep staters. This witch hunt against Roy Moore appeared from a conspiracy of colluders in the deep state, and they stupidly involved the CIA Mockingbird to attempt to smear Roy Moore. How embarrassing is it going to be when the private communications of Mitch McConnell, White House Chief of staff John Kelly, Ivanka Trump as that ditz could not keep her mouth shut, but weighed in early, as they all plotted with CNN, the Washington Post and the Bush family to destroy the Judge, along with the fag factor of Matt Drudge posting all of the fake news.

That is what is coming, and remember in this that Senator Roy Moore has DIA agent Steve Bannon, backed by Breitbart on Bannon's sworn mission to get rid of the deep state and Mitch McConnell, along with the intrepid investigative journalist Aaron Klein. Think of it, in full Congressional subpeonas with all of the leads and evidence, with contempt of Congress by these muckrakers for not revealing sources, and being afforded front page status to spread like a tidal wave all through right wing media.

Roy Moore is the iceberg to the titanic disaster awaiting the deep state, and thankfully Mitch McConnell is the damn fool who opened this Pandora's Box.

See none of these deep staters figured this out and think they are the ones holding the rope when Roy Moore not only holds the rope, but is going to hang them on their own scaffold.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
