...this is Silver Sodomite medal for making your foxhole available...
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There was a most interesting list of where world war could break out in 2018 AD in the year of our Lord, as it focused on the Top 5.
North Korea
NATO's Southern Flank
The Gulf
Oddly in this there was not a mention of South Lebanon Hezbollah, Las Vegas Massacres or India, but the above notes that the intrigue against Donald Trump and his advisers have a cornucopia of opportunities to being multi front wars against the United States.
No one assesses that there may be a dozen combined fronts against America, including several inside the United States.
What is of most interest is this little gem mentioned in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
For those unfamiliar with the above, this would translate as the Muslim Azerbaijan against the Christian Armenians.

You can see why this festering sore is being fomented. It has the allure of drawing in Russia, so she can move into the Mideast to protect Iran. If Russia makes a move into the Mideast, it will come through this corridor and not from a naval base in Syria.
Trip wires are what make world wars. They are small things that larger nations think they can get away with which in turn suck larger nations in. Lebanon is such a place. Serbia is such a place. Places which are psychic extensions of larger powers are what bring world wars.
China will not die for Taiwan, as China will take Taiwan by default in a decade or die themselves in 50 by an advancing Indochinese advancing people.
North Korea will not begin a war. The Gulf is in Obama shambles and it will not begin a war as it wages war, as it does not have the elements to scar Russia or America.
Ukraine is a psychic extension of Russia. It is why the warmongers are poking at Russia there.
The key to the next world war, is the surviving quick technological strikes of the first three weeks to three months, for the advance of soldiers marching in force to occupy lands with sticks and stones. China has such occupational capability for Africa, Australia and Asia. America does not have that capability.
Russia has the capability of occupying the Mideast and Europe. America has this capability as long as an Islamic Narco Terror army does not ignite inside a South American war in America's lower 48 states.
Every opponent America has faced since 1776, either brought war to America, or attempted to ignite a war against America in her hemisphere. No one is preparing for this reality in the next war which will bring war to and into America for the first time since 1812 AD in the year of our Lord.
Donald Trump is extremely ill served. His political Pentagon officers are fighting a last century war, which contends on FDR's manifesto that America starts the wars against herself and overcomes. The contingency is when America is led to war by political officers, but the eruption of wars meant to burn out the US technology and then in guerilla wars inside America designed to break the infrastructure which is the next generation weapon's arsenal, are the wars to have prepared for.
Nuff Said