Wednesday, December 27, 2017


 Mutard Republicans and Dope Dealer Terror Dealers

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This blog has exposed the RHINO Governor of South Dakota in Dennis  Mutard Daaguard for years, and no clearer example is available between North and South Dakota in North Dakota passed a Constitutional Carry Law  and their fine Attorney General released a legal understanding that Constitutional Carry included loaded firearms in vehicles.
North Dakota politically is thee most libertarian State in the Union. Their Governor, Legislature, Judicial are in the majority superb in returning Rights to the Citizen. On the other hand if Donald Trump would quit meddling in promoting Heidi Heitkamp who stole the Senate seat in North Dakota from a Republican, North Dakota would have a fine delegation in DC.

Last week, State Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem released his official opinion on the matter.  Stenehjem was clear.  Constitutional Carry, which allows law-abiding citizens to carry concealed without a permit, does apply to vehicles.
However, one still needs to have a form of identification on his/her person.  A driver’s license or valid state-issued I.D. in lieu of the concealed carry permit.
“When an individual meets the qualifications for constitutional carry in North Dakota, a loaded gun may be stored in a vehicle but proper identification must be revealed to law enforcement upon a traffic stop or other in-person contact,” wrote Stenehjem in his opinion letter.
Unlike Minnesota, no innocent women from Australia are murdered by Somali terror cops as in Minnesota in that goddamn corrupt police state of highway men in patrol cars robbing the poor, as in North Dakota the Citizen and Law Enforcement work together in respect.

On noting this, South Dakota Republicans passed a Constitutional Carry Law and Mutard Daugaard vetoed it. Get that point, because that is Mutard being the traitor he is and always has been. See in South Dakota they CHARGE YOU 10 DOLLARS for concealed carry. In North Dakota, they make it Constitutional Carry FREE as it was in 1776.

Even with such minimal oversight, South Dakotan authorities have been able to bar prohibited persons from obtaining concealed carry permits, according to Daugaard.
“Our permit laws are effective in screening people who are not eligible to carry a concealed weapon. Over the last three years, Minnehaha and Pennington Counties have turned down nearly 600 permit applicants who were disqualified due to mental illness or due to violent or drug-related crimes,” Daugaard asserted.
For the facts in the above, Sioux Falls is an illegal dump city. It is also libtard to the maximum. As an example, I was speaking with a gal I know whose daughter's roommate lives in that city. She said she called this past week and said she got a letter stating that she was wanted on a warrant for speeding. The kid said she has never gotten a speeding ticket so that she has no idea what was going on. The cops had her license plate number on the ticket, so she was asking what she should do.
The result was the 800 help number was only working Monday to Thursday. Her mother told her if she went to the police, they would arrest her for the Christmas holiday as she had a warrant out for her. This kid had to go to work, so she had to drive. But there is an example of the Mutard police state in operation  which he is defending.
I did some checking and Sioux Falls is a place were people leave their keys in their vehicles and some bratty 13 year olds had stolen like 500 cars this past year for joy rides and then left them. The cops knew who was doing it, as they had them in the system, but in Mutard Lawlessness nothing was being done about it again.

This is the kind of ass Republican which hinders the rights of Citizens, but protects criminals.

So you understand this is not just a South Dakota thing, look that these headlines in Republican Congressional delegations are passing Constitutional Carry, and who is it that is vetoing it and denying the Citizen their rights? The RHINO GOPliter Governors.

Every one of us is told we should be glad handing the GOP and I say BULLPUSSY TO IT ALL. This blog stands of RIGHTS OF AMERICANS, and when Donald Trump does a few good things, and dozens of promises broken, I am not going to stand around accepting that scat. Mr. President was voted for on his promises and when Donald Trump keeps his promises, then he will be praised, as I had enough of Bush family lies and being told, wait for the next election, or nothing can be done about that now. That is all a lie to keep liberal policies inflicting on Americans.

There has been too much of this, Americans have to give on this issue, and socialists just take American Rights. The example above is what is wrong with America in South Dakota and other States try to restore Rights and the GOPlites veto those rights.

These traitors need to be voted out and replaced with real Americans. Each of you has to start voicing how to primary these traitors or how to recall them and replace them.

Nuff  Said

