Robert Mueller is nothing but a Conflict of Interests
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Representative Louis Gohmert had an interesting information on Robert Mueller who is the new chosen Special Counsel to provide evidence to walk this "investigation" up to the President so his Bush fam backers will be able to place Jeb Bush into the slot of Vice President.
Mueller and it is pronounced MEW ler in English and not the Germanic ma ULLER, was quite the little Himmler back in the day in cementing power to himself, by overthrowing the FBI in ridding it of the experienced agents in Washington DC, and replacing them with inexperienced agents on a 5 year rotational plan.
Some of the most notable names from Special Agent Gregory Bretzing in the murder of LaVoy Finicum, James Comey in the witch hunt of Donald Trump Andrew McCabe who never met a Clinton he thought did a crime, are a few of the products of Robert Mueller begun with the crooked Clintons and groomed by Mueller.
The fact is, that when the LA Times is vouching for you as incorruptible, it only means that you are already corrupt, as a change would make an honest man of Mueller who is the reason Birther Obama was protected from investigation in being a duel citizen.
Los Angeles Times
We now know in this unprecedented shake up at the FBI by Mueller, that he so damaged the continuity of the Bureau, that it was ripe for the absolute chaos that James Comey put it into. With Comey appointing his best friend to stage a coup against Vice President Dick Cheney in Plamegate and Mueller protecting the Obama crimes, it is small wonder leadership of the FBI fell to the regional offices, which were not led by political minders like Bretzing gunning down Americans and blaming local State Police.
"I remember all too well the invaluable damage that that man did to the FBI.
He had a five-year up or out program all across the country.
This meant that agents who had been in their positions for five years had to "come to either Washington or get out, Because he knew the young guys would salute the flag, salute him, and wouldn't have enough experience to know when they weren't doing something appropriate."
Representative Gohmert continued his expose' of Robert Mueller in stating that Mueller spent money like a crack whore with a billionaire's credit cards.
Mueller also "wastes money like crazy," Gohmert said. "This is not a good thing that just happened."
Mr. Gohmert is correct in his assessemtn of Robert Mueller as this was the chief law enforcement officer under two presidents, in Bush43 and Obama, so he allows himself to be appointed with all of his baggage and then it surfaces that he is facing ethics charges.
Special Counsel Overseeing Russia Probe Could Face Ethics Challenge
Robert Mueller has been tapped as special counsel to oversee the investigation into Russia's involvement in the 2016 election. Under the Code …KGTV San Diego
The problem in this is Mueller seems to be unaware of the law in his law firm was representing people in the Trump Administration which is a conflict of interest and more to the point, President Trump extended a 2 year ban on any associations, and here is Robert Mueller sullying up this James Comey witch hunt even more.
The list includes Jared Kushner, Ivanka Kushner and Paul Manafort who are being looked into in this witch hunt.
It deepens to what lies under the swamp as it turns out that Robert Mueller hired Jamie Gorelick, the henchwoman of the Clintons who created the compartmentalized intelligence to hide Clinton crimes and allowed 9 11 to take place.
This is the exact type of smarmy swamp scum which started all of this coup against President Trump and Jamie Gorelick was on the 9 11 Commission who investigated herself and found nothing wrong. Big surprise there.
Mueller said the appointment was "necessary in order for the American people to have full confidence in the outcome". That firm is also home to Jamie Gorelick, who has represented Trump's daughter, Ivanka. LA RAMPA di NAPOLI said the appointment was "necessary in order for the American people to have full confidence in the outcome". That firm is also home to Jamie Gorelick, who has represented Trump's daughter, Ivanka.Mueller said the appointment was "necessary in order for the American people to have full confidence in the outcome". That firm is also home to Jamie Gorelick, who has represented Trump's daughter, Ivanka. LA RAMPA di NAPOLI
This is the Swamp Monster now arisen from the ooze and in full sight and on display in all of it's unearthly stench of corruption.
This is the group of plotters who are creating the overthrow of the American elections, their misconduct and crimes are on display, and this is what is investigating the innocent Americans in the Trump Administration?
It is time to pull the plug on this witch hunt, fire Robert Mueller and systematically by Grand Jury begin arresting the coup plotters from John McCain to Hillary Clinton to Jeb Bush, as President Trump nor his staff colluded with no one and 11 months of a James Comey witch hunt proved that.
Nuff Said