Monday, January 1, 2018

A Viking New Year Breakfast

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I feel bad about this, as being poor I tend not to spend money. The words are, "I will get that later after we get our place". Things have been chit around here for the past weeks, even worse than usual. I know the source and it has to do with the action I have undertaken to get some land, which has barriers thrown up.
Some lowlights are plugging a dying goat in the head so it would not suffer in 20 below weather. It is unsettling, but those old west cowboys were right in animals go down, the  best thing is, is to put a bullet into them as all they do is suffer, and you kill yourself trying to take care of them.
Mom did the stupid and hurt herself, so that is another chore or 10, as her "job" was to go along on errands and remember things, so my cluttered mind does not have to keep track of everything.
Last low light was I took the pickup in to get oil changed, and they stripped the plug, so all the oil ran out, the engine was knocking and that had to be dealt with as vehicles are expensive.

After that last one, I remembered the Viking in the darkness asking about steak and egg breakfast for Christmas, as he donated for that. So I felt ashamed as it slipped my mind, as I burned myself making rosettes on the 23rd and the 24th at dark I was remaking them, and I sat down exhausted and forgot about things.

So on the night of the 27th in the dark, as we got the pickup running, I said to TL, "Let's get a steak as the shop is still open", so we wheeled over and on this New Years Day that is what we had for breakfast.
Steak, eggs, sourdough with apple jelly (both homemade), Darjeeling tea with honey and cream, and hashbrowns with sourcream on top.

The steak was magnificient. Fittingly the beef was Angus out of Minnesota. It was melt in your mouth. At this moment I feel still like I ate the whole steer, but it was all it could be, considering my other experience with steak and eggs was at a local diner, where the steak was from the throwaway section of the grocery, where the diner had soaked it in vinegar to take away the rancid flavor and then fried it so hot on the grill that it had a metallic sheen to the meat.
I still remember my brother stone faced, waiting for me to take a bite of that poison, as he knew from experience what was on our plates.

So that regret has been there for probably a decade, and I always was meaning to see what steak and eggs for breakfast is like, but affording steak is like affording to fill up the gas tank. I look at the steak in the window, and I fill up with gas at just off the quarter, so I do not get sticker shock in what a tank of gas costs now.

Anyway, I apologize to the Viking for things slipping my mind, but it was fulfilled this new years day. I hope that for all the good people in America that their year gets better each day from here as the Viking fed the poor today as Richard and Stephanie kept me warm, and others have kept us going so this blog keeps being posted.

I find my life is not what is like Mar Largo. My life is like the shop about blows the pick up, and then does not charge me for the fix, which I greatly appreciated and why the steak appeared. My life is like we got feed from the neighbor, but due to storms, the corn leaves which were baled were all wet, so the bales got hot and are kind of solid now which does not work at 20 below. So I worry and fret over that chit, and I checked today as the neighbor who feeds exploded a bale so the cows could get at it. (Exploding a bale means you lift it out with a loader and let it drop to break it up.) In looking at things, it looks like the cows ate most of that, so thank God for that! If I can snitch or beg about 10 more bales, and the weather breaks, then we should have enough to feed the cows, and I can stop worrying about that, and focus on God fixing other things.
It seems God prefers to do things for me, to show He is doing things in the disasters, than just the easy way like the rich do in writing a check out at Mar Largo to pretend Donald Trump is your best friend, as he is in the same arena as you. 750 bucks for that at Mar Largo, at 20 dollars a steak we could eat steak 3 times a month for a year, and rich people spend that kind of loot just to see Donald Trump pygmy size as that is how far away he is.

So this is a thank you, for all who made this past year possible on the blog in donations, prayers, notes and thinking if they stay out of the way, that is what will help. I do read every note, but as I have stated I do not reply in email as those things get monitored and I post notes here from what people write at times, as people do make interesting points.

I actually have a Hamm's beer, a real Jan Michael Vincent from the land of sky blue waters beer in the fridge, but I am too cold to drink it. It would have been medicinal though as beer would settle this steak which is negotiating with my inards. That will have to wait for when it gets hot here, like 20 degrees, as that is beer drinking weather. Peppermint Schnapps I think is what ice fishermen in Minnesota drink when the ice gets 3 foot thick and the high for the day is 5 below.

God bless each the good of each of you in Jesus  Name Amen and Amen

Now it is back to normal food.

