Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Al Franken now free to Assault Women

See Esme, these are my Asschap gloves to protect my hands from 
Minnesota cold while I frisk women, and not leave fingerprints....


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Minnesota warmly welcomed back native son, Al Franken, to that highway patrol robber state, as the disgraced molester of innocent women, democrat Senator Al Franken resigned the office he stole from Norm Coleman in 2008 to overthrow the United States government for Obama community organized marxism.

The Star Tribune Banner Headline said it all.

Fortunately for all Minnesotans, Governor Mark Dayton has appointed Al Franken as FOW, Frisker of Women, a special office of the Minnesota Police State were Al Franken will be able as Minnesotaland Security Director be able to frisk all women, anywhere, anytime without any charges of his molesting them.

This is perfect job created by Governor Dayton, as it is better to keep Al employed than pay off blackmail threats for the rest of his term, as Dayton was behind that election fraud which stole the Senate seat from Norm Coleman for crooked Al.

Yes, Al Franken retires with full taxpayer  funded retirement, he does not have to register as a sex offender an Minnesota has created the perfect vocation for Al Franken, hand raping women, but making it all legal as all the political crooks in Minnesota are protected in their assaults upon the public.

Remember Justine Damond.

Welcome home to Sodomapolis Al. You are right where you belong.

Nuff Said
