Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Donald Trump's Poor

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is being sincere in this, as Donald Trump is all we have. I knew he was all we had in 2016 to ride out of the Obama Abyss, but the 2017 AD in the year of our Lord Donald Trump, reminds me of what Colonel Richard Irving Dodge said about mustangs. Out on the plains, you could starve them, beat  them and you had a horse that went on forever. Put them into a barn in Kentucky and feed them, and all they did was get fat, lazy, bite you and kick you.

Donald Trump in 2016 AD could get away with Mar Largo, because there was hope and promise of the good life for his followers. 2017 AD though was an absolute ignorant mistake for the President to be at Mar Largo, charging 750 dollars a ticket to rob rich people of no self worth, while OVER 95 million Americans and growing ARE NOT WORKING, and Mr. Trump's fake labor statistics are saying that unemployment is just over 4 percent, when unemployment is still running at 23%.

Donald Trump has hosts of poor people who trusted in him, and they got beat up in 2017 waiting around for him to help them. He and his propagandists like pointing to all he did for America in rolling back Obama, but nothing Mr. Trump did made one difference to their jobs, lives, taxes or failing health. Americans still are locked in a gulag of the police state, and Donald Trump has nothing but Clinton and Obama voters around him as his staff.
These Americans in the gulag are looking out of the razor wire fence and what they see is not the Reagan Shining City on the Hill, but Mar Largo Millionaires who just got the tax breaks and Donald Trump rubbing all these poor people's noses in it.

 I will also leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, and they shall trust in the name of the LORD.
Zephaniah 3:12

I do not expect Donald Trump to ever with his New York Value to get America or Americans in the forgotten lands. Mr. Trump has Mnuchkin and Cohn telling him to pour in Mexicans and Muslims to drive the economy, but people in white rural America and people in black urban America do not want this vermin in their neighborhoods competing for what there is not enough of already.
The poor in the midst of America have been forgotten and abused, and Mar Largo was a slap in the face reminder that Donald Trump does not give a damn about them even less than Obama.

As I stated, I understand Mr. Trump's New York Valued in how he thinks if he is like Marie Antoinette eating cake that the poor people are having a good time too, as image is everything to drive the fake news that happy days are here again. That worked in all the years before 2017 AD in the year of our Lord, but after that in the people being let down again, all that Trump wealth just grates on the poor.

I am not speaking of fake news attacks on Bush 41 and Bush 43 in vacationing with war on as they gave Obama a pass. Those voters who focus on things like that are going to hate Republicans and defend democrats no matter how saintly or rapist they are. This is about real Americans who 750 dollars is a great deal of money. This is about real Americans who can not spend a few thousand dollars to jet down to Florida. This is about real Americans who do not own a tux and will never own a bow tie with a suit.

This is about real Americans who do not go to parties where whores in see through dresses, shove their bare asses in children's faces as Don Jr. congas behind with a grin on face like a monkey eating shit.

The above is not America, no more than Mar Largo is America. There is too much of this sodom whether at the top of Christian leadership, Trump Brand or Al Frankenville which is not what real Americans are, they are witnessing all of this, have had a hard year being screwed over, will have a shitty 2018 in things only getting worse, and come 2019, they are going to get a Trump Tax  shock that they are still being robbed in nothing changed.

Mike Deaver who worked for President Ronald Reagan, understood image. Nancy Reagan was fixated on it and would throw any innocent off the bus at the first sign it was hurting her husband's image. Mrs. Reagan made asstard mistakes like remodeling the White House in a Carter super depression and people resented it, even if it was private donations, because the RICH WERE DONATING money looted from the poor.
America is still in the Obama Super Depression and they are in no mood for hedonism or trumpism, because this is their country, and all they can do now is look in the window and see all those rich people having a great time at over 95 million American's expense.

The Lame Cherry stated it was IGNORANT what Donald Trump did at Mar Largo on New Years. It was beyond that, as it was disconnected, oblivious and elitist. It exposes that his Kushners have no understanding about what is happening in America. Melania is vacuous. The Trump children are ivory tower isolated and do not care, as Don jr was slumming with Ted Cruz in Texas, so how is the message not filtering through to the told man that Americans are rummaging around in shit snax entrees while the Trumps simply do not give a damn.
Donald Trump had an account of good will from Americans, but that account is empty as even the ignorant are figuring out that life sucks for Americans, that they are in debt, that money is not coming in and all it does is go out. This is a huge problem for the President as people have moved to resentment, and will soon enough being cemented in outrage and the day will come when Trump voters will cheer the day that Robert Mueller cuffs Don jr and Donald Trump gets run out of the White House by those scoundrels he has surrounded himself around with.

There is not one person in the White House who spoke up for poor people. Melania's staff apparently thought her posing with nigger children meant how caring she was as she brought the curs in to play with golden ornaments, before being sent home to niggerland again.
Then there was Donald Trump traipsing of on Christmas to go thank wounded Soldiers. That was Christmas Eve and what happened a week ago is not what happened on New Years as that is what sticks in people's minds.

Donald Trump does not realize it yet, but he has burned his Twitter bridge as Americans do not care what he is ranting about in his butt hurts, because those Americans got their asses handed to them in 2017 AD in the year of our Lord.
The connection the President had with Americans is vanished. They are tired of fighting, tired of being cold, tired of being poor, tired of being misused and tired of being tired. General Longstreet addressed this very issue before Robert E. Lee invaded Maryland. The Confederate Army was spent. They needed to rest, to get clothes, to get food and to allow them to become a force to fight again. 2017 showed a battle where Americans were beat to hell all year, got nothing, will get nothing as that tax cut is a sham, and there were the Trump's living like royalty.

Good will once it is broken can not be re established as the people will never trust you again.

I would the President would connect with Americans. It is a crap shoot, but the qualifications for being in the White House are not being a convicted criminal. meaning normal Americans are all qualified to serve. In that, I would advocate that Mr. Trump get rid of the self serving asstards who are the best and made this disaster, and hold a lottery of 500 Christian Conservatives and bring them in as staff, and simply make the point, THIS IS THE PEOPLE'S HOUSE AND REPUBLIC. It is time that they got the power jobs and the positions to effect change that America needs.
I have always found with honest and dishonest people, that if you expect something of them, they will uphold what is expected of them, once they understand the duty and honor of it.
This would connect Mr. President with America, as 500 wogs from the woods would give 10 areas in each state a voice in the White House that could report back to the locals so the people at home would be heard.

I don't expect shit or shinola from this post from Trump Brand, but I post it in attempting to salvage the disaster of Donald Trump as he does not understand the audience has changed. It needs to be nurtured, cuddled and shown the President is listening and some glimmer of hope is out there, because Mar Largo lights with bare asses hanging out, are not part of Reagan's Shining City on a Hill.

It is time that Donald Trump start listening to the 95 million Americans with shitty lives, and stop limiting himself to Junta Kelly and his rich friends who have no comprehension of the heart of America in how it is beating.

Nuff Said

