Monday, January 1, 2018

Should Not Conservative Websites Have To Be Conservative?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

PJMedia which is another site I NEVER visit, but was interested in the data as Liberty Daily was featuring the site in listing the Top 50 Conservative Sites. The reason I am bothering to write about this has to do with Bed Fuzz, a troll who kept posting I was a guy and was fixated on my use of the word ALOT which I do allot of the time for various reasons.

The Lame Cherry is going to explain something about web traffic which is the hidden, because the internet web traffic as measured by Alexa is a fraud. I will explain this as follows.
Facebook touts it has like over a billion accounts. We now know like Twitter that half the accounts are bogus, and are automatic repost and clicks, in order to direct traffic to sites, which brings in ad revenue which this is all about. This in turn drives Google and Yahoo search engines which "create the most visited sites". All of this then collects money illegally from advertisers in this grande NSA scheme of Mockingbird control of media content.

Now for what Liberty Daily stated in where their place should be. You have to understand the guts of the internet. Matt Drudge has a fraud site, because his traffic numbers are REFRESH NUMBERS, meaning his page reloads every few minutes so that is counted as more than one visitor. The Bed Fuzz was whining about the Lame Cherry not having a big following. Blogger does not load every page visited in counting stats. The reason is, Blogger is owned by Google and Google would then have to pay through Google ads for every one of these hits. Think of it this way, in Lame Cherry you enter for free and only pay for what you order. On Drudge, Facebook, etc... you are counted coming into the store, going to your table, going to the crapper, going down every aisle, every phone call you make, and every exit. You are counted as a separate person each time. That is how these fraud sites get all of these "views". It is one person counted 20 times on each site daily.
So Drudge with 160 million views a month, is closer to 8 million, and in that, if you bothered to look at the Drudge Trump Clinton polls in who was voting, you are getting close to the real traffic of just over 100,000 viewers on the page as that is the tally that voted in heavy traffic. Drudge's real hits for a month are around 3 million or around one hundred thousand a day.

You should be getting this figured out, that the internet is not this vast 5 billion user interface, but it runs in the millions on a good day and most days it is not that active.

Next we come to the bots. Bots are computer drive auto clickers, sometimes human, sometimes artificial intelligence. For example the Jews run a shit load of bots out of Tel Aviv to intimidate Americans in comment sections and drive content. Obama hired the Jews for his 2008 campaign. Jared Kushner tried that in 2016, and Hillary Clinton was furious as her artificial intelligence was wiped out by a faster human version of real people driving stories about her hacking up a lung or being a crook in 2016. The Russian got blamed, but this was Guccifer and Kushner running a trail, but the real narrative was real people driving content.

If you recall in the summer of 2016 the media went black out on Trump. No stories appeared as the fake news tried to eliminate Trump with silence. Drudge is worthless as it can not drive content. That is why this blog informed all of you, that there were three sites which Donald Trump owes everything to, as Breitbart was up Cruz's ass. The 3 sites were Jeff Rense, Gateway Pundit and the Lame Cherry. In that news drought, it was those sites who drove Trump content, and only Fagway Pundit got rewarded.

That is what I desire you to observe in the sites below as you are not looking at real sites listed. What you are looking at are the list of troll sites funded by the deep state to control content and to brainwash you. These sites are all connected and getting funding from off source as it is not coming from donations.

If one notes Cuckervative Treehose, like Newsbusters it is still ranking on these fake driven numbers. No one visits those worthless sites as everyone has been clued in to what goes on there. Sunprancer, except for the groupie chics who are there as he is a lonely bald man, has no audience as he brought himself to ruin, just like Mike Cernovich got told to fall on the sword. The Gorilla has a wife and child, and the cartel has him hooked, so he obeys and creates content in targeting the next Roy Moore in Paul Nehlen.

For those who need a history review of 2016, that Republican primary was run by Bush fam. It was supposed to have Jeb! steal the nomination without the base, as the base would never vote for him. The reason Ted Cruz was promoted as a Conservative by Red State, Mark Levin, the Clinton supporting Glenn Beck, is he was the easy one to knock down, and knocked down it would destroy the moral of the Tea Party and Marco Rubio would be the sweaty version for Vice President.
Donald Trump with the DIA flipped this Bush fam operation and overcame it all in vote fraud as in Iowa, Oklahoma, Wisconsin and Kansas, with real voters who are the Republican base.

That is why the deep state is so furious about all of this in Russiagate as the DIA flipped this rigged system and ran enough interference to put Trump into the White House with the Christian vote. That is why Trump and John Kelly have been so sabotage on Roy Moore, as they do not want that Christian majority to figure out they have 90 million votes with Blacks to elect real political leaders who will Make America Great Again.

I like Liberty Daily, even if they run posts from some of the below in the troll news. Their numbers are a real reflection of net traffic. Citizen Free Press is plugged in to the Drudge refresh which burns bandwidth. That is why I tell everyone to get off Drudge, and go on Liberty Daily, because why should you be propping up Christian Hating Matt Drudge, when the other site is driving content which is spinning stories to the American's best advantage.

This is how crooked the internet is. The numbers of this blog sometimes inflate when Russian trolls attempt to drive content so a story gets featured. This does not offset the NSA deliberately resetting my numbers during the day and driving visitors down. Jeff Rense should do an entire series on this for his site, as he mentions that sometimes in how his numbers are deflated.
To put this in context, 10 of the Lame Cherry readers are worth 1 million bot visitors on the sites below as you readers are actually real, you repost things, you talk about things, you steal things, you repost them as your ideas and they start permeating throughout the internet and I hear exact quotes coming out of the mic heads mouths. As this blog gained strength though, there was an order sent out to not repeat the subject matter here verbatim. It is a reality though that the content here drives a large segment of real internet traffic that the trolls can not compete with.
Whether one likes it or not, one has to entertain to be President or get content out. Unless something is interesting, no one is going to pay attention. Putting snarky comments on this blog begins the water cooler whispers and people are laughing at their bosses as everyone likes a good joke on someone else. The Lame Cherry is unique content and I was amused the other night in being shown Paul Nehlen retweeted a Conservative Angle post on this blog of that Comforting Large Breasted Woman. The attacks on Paul Nehlen were the blog was incoherent and other such asstard paid troll nonsense, as they do not know what the hell to do with intimidating large comforting breasts on women which most people are amused by in satire as they are reading the interconnection against Christians being run by Bush fam, Steve Bannon, Eric Blum and that fag Tim Miller of Jeb!

The Trolling of Paul Nehlen

Keep watching the girl.......
as even breasts these large are not comforting

In the below, you are seeing a list of FED CONTENT, meaning insider information to drive a narrative from Trump State or Deep State. It is talking points, pre written and as these sites have funding access to the insider dollars so they can hire team trolls to create a narrative which would work, unless some popular girl appears to provide you with nonsensical content to expose the trolls of their blotter college state diplomas in all they are as frauds.

Except for Judicial Watch, most of the below is the fag billionaire funding set up by Karl Rove and George W. Bush to illegally profit Wall Street hedge fund fags, who would then launder money into these rubbish sites, and that is why numbers of faggots are running these sites, and why the Coulter homosexuals are making the pedo push again in Sean Homo Hannity promotion of conditioning as that is the content being driven.

Now you have an insider understanding of the internet, and how a great deal of it works, and why sites like this one are repressed as if my real data was tracked, then it would start becoming mainstream and displace the paid trolls. When one considers the millions of dollars dumped in by the Mockingbird and the fledglings to brainwash you, and then the popular girl comes along and washes your mind and gets you thinking again, it must be interesting in sitting in on some meetings where trolls are being handed money and not producing for the people who can make people disappear.

I will close this out in, writing a dinosaur media article like Pat Buchanan is an artform. Rush Limbaugh in what he crafted with the CIA was trendsetting in the 80's. The same was true for John McGlaughin on his PBS series. There is an artform to commenting on stories on websites by a handful of people who never get any credit, but they are very good. James Woods on Twitter is an artist. Paul Nehlen is doing a very good job. The point in this is most people mocked bloggers as not being real. Blogging is something the trained professionals or paid trolls can not do, because it is not story content. It is neither nor, it is not Twitter and it is not News Article. It is the grey area in between. It is an artform, and perhaps the hardest and why there are so few bloggers and why there is none like the Lame Cherry in content produced. By God's Grace I can in 20 minutes direct a major news story correctly and reset it to it's course. Fake news takes a day. Twitter can only comment and not drive content. Blogging is one of the toil intensive vocations there is and it requires effort.
The Lame Cherry produces more feature content than every major media writer in the world every year combined. It is for the most part unnoticed and deliberately ignored which is acceptable. I state that to inform people that each information source when it is done correctly to even Gaytube channels is all interconnected important. I do laugh at Rush Limbaugh whining about Twitter comments in major news stories, because Limbaugh tried Twitter, but was eaten alive a few years ago. Limbaugh has absolutely no talent for Twitter. He needs a closed mic to talk into as he can not deal with hecklers. I would love to have the time to tweet, but I simply do not, and when I was on GabAI  they wanted to start tracking me, and that is something I am not going to allow.

If you notice something about the internet, thee most entertaining and informative parts are the FREE parts or the parts which people should be donating to or liking. The real conversation is there and appealing, while the fake conversation is stale on most of the sites below which are funded from outside sources.

The question this all started out with and still must be answered is, Should Not Listed Conservative Websites Have To Be Conservative and not #NeverTrumper, Hillary trolls, Jew State bots out of Tel Aviv or CIA funded?

Well should they not be?

Your fagbot dollars at work.

And now, the 50 top conservative websites in 2017, based on an average of rankings from Alexa, Quantcast, and SimilarWeb:

Nuff Said
