As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Finally the criminal actions of leaking by Sec. of State John Kerry over the Pissgate dossier, has the names and dots being connected to understand how the Obama regime for Hillary Clinton, allowed the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA and finally the State Department to be weaponized against Donald Trump in creating and manufacturing fake intelligence in the Pissgate file.
This blog covered the Kerry connection last year, and the links to Cody Shearer, the author of the dossier, which was fed to MI6's Christopher Steele, but it becomes more clear in exactly how State was weaponized.
The senators pointed to the second Steele document:
One memorandum by Mr. Steele that was not published by BuzzFeed is dated Oct. 19, 2016. Mr. Steele's memorandum states that his company 'received this report from [redacted] U.S. State Department,' that the report was the second in a series, and that the report was information that came from a foreign sub-source who 'is in touch with [redacted], a contact of [redacted], a friend of the Clintons, who passed it to [redacted].It is troubling enough that the Clinton campaign funded Mr. Steele's work, but that these Clinton associates were contemporaneously feeding Mr. Steele allegations raises additional concerns about his credibility.
I desire to take you back to the genesis of this in Christopher Steele, because far too often in this, what is being stated as a Russian FSB agent was the source of Pissgate, that from the beginning in this intrigue we had Ukranians hired by Hillary Clinton to smear the Russians for DNC hacking which we now know was the murdered Seth Rich, fed up with Hillary Clinton stealing the DNC nomination from the complicit Bernie Sanders, and Russians had nothing to do with this.
We know that the Baltic states were manufacturing intelligence and feeding it to the Obama intelligence in Director Brennan who bit hard on this fake line of intelligence to get Donald Trump.
The point in the above is that the narrative is still being directed at Russia in this, but we now know for certain that the "Russians" were American operatives inside the Clinton and Obama orbs, and they were the sources who were taking, what must be in this a source of information from an anti Putin FSB official in order to sour relations with the Russians further, as you must remember what all of this was about and is about, is goading Russian into attacking eastern EurNuland: So on that piece Geoff, when I wrote the note [US vice-president's national security adviser Jake] Sullivan's come back to me VFR [direct to me], saying you need [US Vice-President Joe] Biden and I said probably tomorrow for an atta-boy and to get the deets [details] to stick. So Biden's willing.ope, where once drawn out she can be defeated, and then the Ashkenaz Soros bankers can steal all of Russia's gold reserves and divide up her mineral wealth. That is what this is about in the long term, and the short term is about blackmailing Russian billions to be dumped into the US stock market.
This focuses on Victoria Nuland at State who is now ratting information on the Clintons by fingering Christopher Steele as the source of the files ending up at the State Department.
Nuland is best remembered as the hand that rocked the cradle on Ukraine in cutting a Soros deal to develop the flashpoint with Russia.
Nuland had the famous comment of FU the EU for not doing what America was demanding in Ukraine when Obama was MANIPULATING THEIR ELECTION ILLEGALLY for Soros.
Nuland: So on that piece Geoff, when I wrote the note [US vice-president's national security adviser Jake] Sullivan's come back to me VFR [direct to me], saying you need [US Vice-President Joe] Biden and I said probably tomorrow for an atta-boy and to get the deets [details] to stick. So Biden's willing.
Nuland: OK. He's now gotten both Serry and [UN Secretary General] Ban Ki-moon to agree that Serry could come in Monday or Tuesday. So that would be great, I think, to help glue this thing and to have the UN help glue it and, you know, Fuck the EU.
RINO John McCain was Used as Mule to Deliver Dirty Anti-Trump Phony Dossier to James Comey Because Steele Had Fallen Out of Favor at FBI
You might remember a certain brain cancer carrier named John McCain who has been stoking revolution in Ukraine for years, and was on hand when the CIA overthrew the Government there to take selfie of his crimes.
........and who should show up with the Pissgate dossier as a mule for the Clintons to the FBI? John McCain.
Now this returns to State as what Senators Grassley and Graham both are certain of and demanding an FBI investigation of, is that contacts in State were being fed bogus information from inside State. We know that Cody Shearer's brother in law Strobe Talbot worked at State in his career, and Shearer was gleaning information from the Clinton's Kosovo War onward, and into Benghazi. The reason this toxic cesspool at state matters is from the earliest leaks coming out of Adam Schiff and the democrats in Congress, those leaks were being produced from one source, and that was John Kerry and the Department of State. There was a mad document dump by State to "protect" information from being destroyed by the Trump Administration. That was the excuse, while the reality was classified intelligence which as FAKE in an ongoing coup was being seasoned all through Congressional democrats and setting them off as they believed this fakery.
It was coming at democrats from all sides in the whispers and someone was whispering to Kurt Eichenwald over at Newsweek who was viral in this for months, sounding completely unhinged until Pissgate was published and that media is now facing a Trump lawsuit for the smear.
Remember electric convulsing boy Kurt Eichenwald, who was tracking down Alt Right people and was busy spreading Pissgate?
Kurt Eichenwald - Wikipedia
Kurt Alexander Eichenwald (born June 28, 1961) is an American journalist who serves as a senior writer with Newsweek, a contributing editor with Vanity Fair and a New ...
Now it is hitting the fan as Newsweek was driving click bait reactionary fake news.
They really did. Even a Newsweek insider said last month that the magazine “has descended into a content farm for last-resort clickbait.”
And now the culprits are being fired for everything which has been going on there.
Bloodbath at Commie Rag ‘Newsweek’: Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, Several Top Reporters Ousted, Employees Sent Home for Day
This is what State was weaponized for. State was supposed to put the reasonable John Kerry face on it. I mean it was one thing to hear this from intimidating Obama security and intelligence sources, but it all sounded reasonable when John Kerry and State started the dump, and the zealot Samantha Power was joined at the hip with Susan Rice at NSA, unmasking every name that looked like Donald Trump had once shaken hands with him.
There were real victims in this in the liberals and Evelyn Farkas appears at the top of the list. This poor woman was targeted it appears for being easily duped, and this expanded from State to Defense in her being fed classified information which she in turn was leaking to the #NeverTrump media.
Evelyn Farkas - Wikipedia
Evelyn N. Farkas is the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia/Ukraine/Eurasia. Education and background. Farkas obtained her B.A. from ...
This woman was so tightly wrapped that she would have believed anything about Russia as she already going commando over Russia in Syria demanding sanctions.
That is why John Kerry must be made to answer for his part in this at the State Department, as this was his group of Clinton and Obama appointees and he was the one responsible for leaking classified information to democrats in Congress which victimized numbers of these deluded souls on the left. It is a case that any one of us reading that there was confirmation at State, Justice, NSA, FBI and if it was Sean Hannity telling us this instead of Kurt Eichenwald, that we would be just like Evelyn Farkas believing the sources as this coup was designed to come across the board from a number of sources at once and confirm their deepest phobias.
John Kerry belongs before a Federal Court on charges of collusion with his associates at State. This is High Crimes against the People of the United States and there is no doubt about it, as Victoria Nuland fingered State in this in the Clinton people there.
Nuff Said