Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Tony Perkins and Back Door Access to Donald Trump

OK Mr. President you and Mike abort the Americans
and I will keep them quiet, and tell their foreign replacements to vote for you.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Something caught my attention, but it never registered as to what the Trump game was on it, so I was posting on a quarter of a million American babies butchered in the United States under Donald Trump in 2017 refuting Mr. Trump's "Pro Life" stance propaganda.

Yet Donald Trump appears at Davos and he wins another life protector award as he keeps stating he is committed to protecting life.

Donald Trump: "As President I am Committed to Protecting the ...

The Planned Parenthood abortion business is highlighting a letter from President Donald Trump to constituents and slamming his pro-life responses.

Now do a little review in this in what the Lame Cherry has exposed in Donald Trump does an American religious day, but he does not mention Christ once.
Donald Trump commends sodomites in a Twitter post promoting those degenerates.
Again, Donald Trump has not done one thing to end the butcher of children in America, and yet the leaders of the Christian community have remained absolutely silent in all of these abominations, but why?

How white evangelicals learned to love Donald Trump
In recent weeks prominent evangelical leaders, including Family Research Council President Tony Perkins and Franklin Graham, have c…

The answer comes in Tony Perkins from Family Research Council's statement which spilled the beans in why the Christian leadership is not saying a blessed word to Donald Trump about the abominations of sodomy,  aborticide and denying to name Jesus the Christ as Lord of America, in Donald Trump worked out a deal where the Judas' get to phone up Donald Trump, heir their 'concerns' as long as they keep their yaps shut in public.
Remember now this is John Kelly who ran Christian Pastor Omarosa's ass off the very White House grounds and how no one gets past Junta Kelly to talk to Trump, but these Judas' get through always.
That is what Trump and Kelly figured out, keep butchering babies, promote sodomy and deny Christ, all for the promise that Donald Trump will somehow stop aborticide in America.

“They are wrong in saying that evangelical leaders are not addressing it,” Perkins said of the critiques. “If I can talk to you, if you will allow me to express my concern about things, I will do so privately. These things are being communicated.”
And it seems he has had that opportunity, as Perkins said that evangelicals have had more access to Trump and a better relationship with him than they did with George W. Bush during the entirety of his presidency.
“This president has more aligned with and concerned about the issues that pro-life Americans, those who advocate for religious freedom … than any other president in my lifetime,” he said.
Despite all of this, Perkins said that evangelical leaders’ support for Trump isn’t unconditional and that it really hinges on him keeping his promises and not falling into bad patterns of past behavior.

Now after reading the above, remember that Donald Trump's "Great Gal" democrat Heidi Heitkamp just voted to keep butchering babies out of the womb as the 51st vote, thereby saving Donald Trump for signing a ban on partial birth aborticide. How convenient is that for Mr. Trump, just like his McConnellites kept Obamcare on the books for later.

Whether you like the Lame Cherry exclusives in matter or anti matter does not matter, because it does not change the fact that the revelations are fact and you just found out this leader has conned Christian leaders to deny Christ, accept sodomy, over another promise of stopping aborticide which Trump won a medal like Obama for peace, as the butchery kept piling more corpses up daily.

The betrayal these religious leaders have engaged in, in not calling the president out from the pulpit over sodomy, abortion and denying Christ, is even beyond what Judas Iscariot engaged in. That sends a message to the Faithful that promoting sodomy and denying Christ is acceptable to the Christian WHICH IT IS NOT.

evangelical leaders’ support for Trump isn’t unconditional and that it really hinges on him keeping his promises and not falling into bad patterns of past behavior.

And how long does Donald Trump get a Perkins indulgence like the Vatican selling sin? Will that be before or after Mr. Trump aborts the American Race White and Black from the American Womb and replaces Americas with Trump foreign Visa Vermin.
Probably not even after as these leaders are all making a buck off of imported foreigners, and they just love how this vermin fills their collection plates.

Then again for some it is a phone call and a 100,000 dollar check to sell the souls of babies in the womb for sex up the ass.

Trump donates $100,000 for flood relief to Baptist church ...

Hell of a game isn't it that Mr. President and John Kelly are scamming your leaders with. They sold out Jesus for a phone call and you are the suckers still sending money to them.
