As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I don't know of you realize this, but Mom just told me that stamps went up to 50 cents. That of course stunned me as I thought the forever stamp was forever.
Cost of USPS Forever stamps to go up Sunday - freep.com
First-class letters will go from 47 cents to 49 cents. ... Cost of USPS Forever stamps to go up Sunday. First-class letters will go from 47 cents to 49 cents.First-class stamps to cost 49 cents as of Jan. 26 - USA TODAY
First-class stamps to cost 49 cents as of ... deem 49 cents an acceptable price going ... a postcard stamp, raised by a penny to 34 cents in ...USPS announces new 2018 prices
U.S. Postal Service Announces New Prices for ... Class Mail Forever stamp from 49 cents to 50 cents. Postcard stamps and metered letters ... go to usps.com and usps ...
Not much to say, but Thank You President Trump in your Make America Great Again.
Why don't they just put stamps up to a dollar a piece and tell everyone that by 2020 they will go up to 10 dollars a stamp, and that way this worst mismanaged government agency, second only to the Pentagon, can lose a billion dollars a year as there is never going to be enough money.
I have always stated that the Post Office needs to be privatized in the government owning a 51% controlling interest and it being managed by 4 regional monopolies, with letters dropping to 25 cents again in order to gain business again.
Nuff Said