Thursday, March 29, 2018

"Be the hammer, not the nail,"


KABOOM! Attorney General Jeff Sessions Names Prosecutor — Utah’s Top Federal Prosecutor John Huber — to Investigate Obama FBI FISA Abuse, Hillary’s Uranium Scandal, FBI’s Sham Hillary Email ‘Investigation’

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I will only point this out in what Attorney General Jeff Sessions has been engaged in, in he has not appointed a second Special Counsel, but has instead placed US Attorney from Utah in John Huber in full control of this investigation into Deep State.
US Attorney Huber has been briefing Sessions and Rosenstein since being reappointed as an Obama appointed career prosecutor in Utah.  Mr. Huber also has been engaged in passing Kate's Law and No Sanctuary Cities.

The main point in this is a Special Counsel is not a PROSECUTOR. Even though Robert Mueller was given carte blanche by Rosenstein, John Huber has prosecutorial power. He is backed by the entire Department of Justice and has all resources. Where Mueller has a witch hunt, Huber is via Jeff Sessions a White House Praetorian Guard.  Huber is a career prosecutor from the ground up.  He will have everything Robert Mueller has, everything the Inspector General has, and will be the shadow watching Robert Mueller's every step, including frame ups of Mike Flynn, and he has the Utah teeth of a piranha to shred this coup and the plotters.

I am promising nothing, but this is where it will hit the fan if it does. Robert Mueller can have his rigged DC liberal juries indicting turnips, but Huber now has a Western Mormon Jury which has been getting the shit shot out of it in LaVoy Finicum and the Bundy's by the deep state.

John Huber played real football and his motto is to be the Hammer and not the Nail. There are powerful people of the powerful people who should be cutting a deal immediately as John Huber will put real people in prison, real prison, not white collar millionaire prison, on real charges and not Mueller frame up charges.

John Huber is young. He does this right and he will be remembered as J Edgar Hoover and will write his ticket to the Supreme Court or the White House.
