Thursday, March 29, 2018

Donald Leaving the Building

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So what do you make of the new Trump revelation?

I thought I would ask as you lurkers not donating have all the answers.

Don't bother answering as you would just dig yourself deeper into the abyss.

Doing a flash post on this as you know this:

  • Donald Trump's Pentagon is not going to give up Syria.
  • Tel Aviv is not going to let Donald Trump give up control over Syria for Golan oil
  • Leaving Assad in power with Putin in Syria thwarts all neocon policies.

So in having that explained to you, you think that the US is not getting out of Syria, but Donald Trump for being a liar is honest really, so it means the US is getting out of Syria.

Why would America move it's troops out of Syria? So they do not get blown up when someone blows up Syria.

This would mean preparation of battlefields  for when Jews deploy American Soldiers as Kushner had a treaty signed handing over control of the US military to Tel Aviv.

It is that three letter word in this means WAR and at this point Donald Trump does not when the shooting begins want a stray shot at Russians in Syria igniting a nuclear war.

Just thinking in 9 11 was initiated by an attack on America that had Jews cheering in the streets. There seems to be a precursor excuse for such actions, as necessary to implement world moral condemnation so attacks can be initiated carte blanche.

Enough of this as I am working on some other post and what is more marvelous than wars.

Hellsing Ultimate X - The Major's war speech - YouTube

Hellsing Ultimate X - The Major's Death (English Sub) - Duration: 5:22. EquilibriumTelevision 663,086 views. 5:22. Hellsing Ultimate Luke Valentine vs ...
