Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Mother Russia's Vermin Protector

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry places this exclusive before the readership so that the facts of the past and the future will be known in this present as the details posted here explain away the 6 million dead Jews of the holocaust, not in denial of that event, but in the culprit duo of American bombing which cut off supplies to forced labor camps, and the reality that Europe was a crawling death trap of lice.

But the vaccine production plans of Joachim Mrugowsky, the head of the SS Hygiene Institute in Berlin, kept getting delayed. When British bombers destroyed Mrugowsky’s headquarters in 1942, he decided to produce the vaccine at Buchenwald, thinking that allied bombs would not fall there. 

This matters because Donald Trump has joined with the scheme to blackmail Russia of her wealth, to be stolen in Wall Street investment. That is what Russiagate was all about in what Barack Obama was engaged in for the cartel, and it is why Paul Manafort is being scapegoated. It is all about Russian oil revenues in the billions.

In 1941, the German Wehrmacht left civilization in the West and appeared in the savage condition of the Volga River. It was there that  Karl Fuchs in a letter to his wife related these facts about the Russian peasants who lived in hovels and huts, of one large room, one large clay stove, which all slept on at night to keep from freezing to death.

Hygiene is something totally foreign to these people. These people here live together with animals, indeed they live like animals".

Russian homes had thick walls and few windows, and the windows could not be opened. The stench was unbearable and the Germans often enough broke out the windows. It was not the air though that was the lingering problem it is what occupied the Russian home.

"Lice, bugs, fleas, armies of them.

I stood alone in a house and lit a match, and the bugs fell from the ceiling. On the walls and the floors regiments  of vermin were crawling. by the fireplace it was quite black, a horrible, living carpet. when I stood still, I could hear it rustle and grate unceasingly."
Operation Typhoon

The Germans soon contracted these riders, and were infested with body lice. These were the lice which carried the bacterial infection, rickettsia prwoazekii, which produced epidemic typhus.
This is why the Americans used DDT on themselves and dusted cites they were entering as this plague was killing people all across Europe, even those not in forced labor camps.

The lice also carried, Trench Fever and Relapsing Fever. The louse though was not the only plague vermin the Russians were hosting as Spotted Fever was rampant in being carried by blood sucking mites, ticks an fleas.

What is interesting historically in this, is the horror the German physicians experienced and Dr. Heinrich Haape of the 6th Infantry division made this observation.

"You may think the Russians defeated Napoleon, well I'm telling you now that spotted fever, more than Russians drove Napoleon back from Moscow".

For all of the historical fixation on the Russian winter or the rasputitsa, the reality was that the entire Russian landscape was a disease infested plague, which, along with malaria in summer in the swamps, wiped out armies of liberation.

The Germans were in knee deep muck. It was cold, it was wet, they did not have shelter or adequate protection from the cold, and soon enough in trying to survive they were all infested with lice. They could not wash clothes nor bathe. They were walking carriers in Stalin's great communist advancement of mankind.  Those in the villages had advanced under the Czars but Stalin  persecuted the peasants in they were the ones who believed in Orthodox Christianity.

Eastern European Plagues and Epidemics 1300-1918

Typhus: Russia : 1915: 1822: Cholera: Russia: July-August-troops retreating from Poland and Galicia; Volhynia, Minsk, Mogilev and Grodno. 1918: 1919: Influenza:

The worst of it for the Germans was getting warm inside, because then the lice began to bite and the Germans began to itch. Undressing would produce 50 to 150 lice in the crotch and armpits. It would not be until 1942 before the Wehrmacht brought in delousing stations to save their soldiers who were being blood sucked to death.

Why all of this matters are the facts. The facts of what was really killing inmates at labor camps, why there were mass graves of starving people, and why cremation was an attempted remedy at some locations to stop the plague. In reality, the Black Death it was stated was created by flea bites from rats, who burned out of cities spread to other  cities. When the United States started burning down Europe with aerial bombing,  it caused a massive wave of humans, who were infected with lice, to move to other locations, and in the end, the infected spread lice which bred like lice, and soon typhus was killing thousands and nothing could be done as America bombing had cut off supplies and food.
That disease in Europe has not been obliterated. It still lurks there, in the same vermin, and is supplemented now by the human vermin who are hosts. America has the same problem with spreading lice in all of Trump's foreigners he is importing.
The point is, when war breaks out with Russia, the modern features of electricity will be cut first. That means that water treatment and sewage are the first to go, and those diseases will appear in cholera. The humans carrying lice and fleas, because we all got rid of DDT and are using parasitics which the vermin are resistant to, will begin spreading typhus again and it will be Americans and  Western Europeans who will be contaminated and die. Remember this will be a real war with nuclear and biological introductions and there is not going to be assets through attrition to treat the American GI's.

Anthrax outbreak triggered by climate change kills boy in ...

Anthrax outbreak triggered by climate change kills boy in Arctic Circle ... which is known as "Siberian plague" in Russian and was last seen in the region in 1941.

The United States military when it was comprised of a majority  of it's Israelite Germans in fighting wars succeeded, but when that expeditionary force landed in the Soviet Union after World War I, thee Americans got in and got out fast.
America has never fought in anything like Russia. If America becomes involved in this Great Eurasian War, it will die in numbers by the vermin equal to combat.

Fears of a mass BUBONIC PLAGUE outbreak in Russia | Daily ...

Thousands of Russians are being given emergency vaccinations against the bubonic plague after a boy contracted the deadly infectious disease while skinning a marmot ...

No one is discussing these issues, save this blog.
