Sunday, April 8, 2018

Jimmy Kimmel Backs Down

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When the Lame Cherry broke the story involving Jimmy Kimmel and Sean Homo Hannity that Kimmel was using homophobic rhetoric to attack Kimmel, instead of answering  to the charges of using hate attacks on Melania Trump and all immigrants with accents, it was soon picked up by others, and this is what forced Jimmy Kimmel to back down and not apologize to First Lady Melania Trump.

Jimmy Kimmel has hosts of problems from treating Latins like chimps on his back to humor them as pets to his David Hogg degradation of the elderly as dottering old fools.  Disney is pro queer and that is the message which came down to Kimmel and forced Kimmel to back down. There is zero apology in this though to Melania Trump, and from the fake news reactions of glowing lies about how Kimmel apologized, this is a red warning light in this that the queer lobby is in a fury again, and the left is moving hard to make this all go away, as what Kimmel unleashed as homist was disgusting and it reveal the banter of the Letterman Cocktail Crowd jokes about faggots.

I honestly do not believe that Hannity picked this fight by chance, but did it by design for the President. It was not by chance that Hannity called Kimmel "Harvey Weinstein jr" and that Kimmel deliberately ignored it. That points to smoke in Kimmel in all his objectification of women did something and Hannity knows about it. Hannity made a cryptic comment about calling up the head of Disney in Bob Eiger.
Kimmel made a huge mistake in the statement he issued.

SnooperMexican who snarks at the Right Scoop, of the #NeverTrumpers saw fit to link to his calling Donald Trump a "scumbag". 

For those who think this is over, and Jimmy Kimmel still thinks he is secure, Jimmy Kimmel degraded homosexuals and that is the unpardonable sin, no matter how much he acts the comic tough trashing Donald Trump, Jimmy Kimmel posted he loves using the sodomite identity to slander others.

Apr 6
Jimmy Kimmel Retweeted Sean Hannity
What you don’t seem to realize is that I LOVE this. I guess it’s one of my perversions

Jimmy Kimmel uses his son as a human shield and queers as human weapons.
