Monday, April 9, 2018

Robert Mueller goes Jew Hunting in New York

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Reading the meandering indictments and glee over Donald Trump's attorney, after he cooperated with Robert Mueller, in having his office, home and hotel room raided, there really must be a step back in this to understand what is taking place.

The short form is Robert Mueller, handed over something he discovered in investigating Michael Cohn in the fake Russiagate witch hunt, to the New York FBI, who then asked the New York District Attorney to proceed to a magistrate judge for a search warrant.
The addition of Mr. Trump's and Mr. Cohn's personal attorney client priviledge means little, as Mr. Cohn has other transactions in his life as an attorney.

The short of it, this would be about money, as that is what Robert Mueller fixates on is money. That is what he went after Paul Manafort on, and that is what drives Mueller's investigative coven.

Now for the real parts in this, in no one would have ever known what Mueller found if Mueller had not been invading this attorney's privacy. As Mueller is not afforded access to Cohn's private files, that means Mueller was looking at what he could get access to and that would be bank files in money transfers.
Could this be Stormy Daniels related in deep state and deep throat, chances are it is, as Cohn has been rubbing it in Mueller's face about the Pissgate fraud which tried to frame him, so what appeared after from the Obama circle of lawyers was Stormy Daniels financial exchange. That is when all of this appeared, and it would lead to the conclusion that as Mr. Cohn stated he handled this contract and payout from his own funds, Mueller has relabled this as a "bribe" and the New York FBI which is notorious for jousting at windmills and sending other agencies on wild goose chases across America to interview rednecks, roundheads and retards in being harmless buffoons, was again eager to go from a money transfer to seeing slush funds, hush money and only things that Robert Mueller manifests.

This is all about pressuring the President as Mueller has had nothing but egg on his face for over a year. His last multi million dollar accomplishment was getting a conviction of 30 days on a Dutch attorney who Donald Trump had no contact with.
Make a big Monday splash, rattle the President and see who else they can intimidate. It is a simple story of facts, in anyone could look through Robert Mueller's life and find numerous activities which could be construed as criminal, or his glaring criminality in James Comey to search Robert Mueller's wife's underwear at 6 AM as they did Mrs. Manafort.

This should convince the President to NEVER sit down with Robert Mueller as cooperating with Mueller, unless your name is Kushner only gets you an FBI search or indicted, as your name gets smeared to hell and back.

And as the CIA's Washington Post revealed from another leak, it is all about the money, even if it is not Stormy Daniels contract. This kind of fraud though can be anything from purchasing a bottle of cognac as an expense where you drank it or some other trivial thing that adds up to high prices that the scrupulous Robert Mueller would never do, until someone digs through all his files and see what kind of expense account he submitted, as you know he was not eating oatmeal for breakfast on FBI junkets.

Nuff Said

Trump attorney Cohen is being investigated for possible bank fraud, campaign finance violations, according to a person familiar with the case