Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Guns which only Psychotics could desire

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter  anti matter.

American gun manufacturers for the history of America, produced Euclidean perfections of art. They were the blending of walnut and iron or steel, to form something which was attractive and brought joy to the heart. Guns were not just tools to protect the nation, the home, but were to harvest game, enjoy shooting and later be put on display about the hearth as one of the treasures of the family.

Above is a Remington 572 pump 22 caliber rifle, in all of it's glory of high gloss varnish and beautiful blued steel. It was streamlined and balanced perfectly. Below is what Remington after being taken over is creating in these sadistically ugly guns which has Batman not Adam West inviting but Ben Affleck disgusting. There is a malevolent edge too all things now in the world and the beauty has gone and it appeals to the darkness within.

Remington is not alone as this the American namesake of Winchester which has been taken over by the Belgians, to reflect those ghastly things which are European   weapons, which resemble ugly clubs. The point was to put plastic on firearms to make them cheap, but all these European conglomerates engage in is gouging Americans.
The ugly Remington is 1200 dollars and the ugly Winchesters are 550 dollars.

This next selection is Browning, again another European concern, and again 2100 dollars for these ugly clubs which are so ghastly that they make the soul recoil in how bloated dead snake they look.

Even the last American corporation in Savage is all bolt action ugly. Gone are the lovely 99 Savage in lever action because it is said it would cost too much, and what remains are these things of plastic, more plastic and some metal poured in with a bolt big enough to beat a moose to death.

Here is one of the gems in Gunwerks called the Verdict at 6250 bucks. Yes the psycho weapon, so little psychopaths can buy one, set up psycho targets, and pretend they are blasting humans to death instead of targets.

If that is not your psychotic appeal, there is always this ugly gun from Christensen Arms at 4900 dollars, so women with small tits and men with short dicks can buy an psychic tear gun and pretend they are murdering people in the government is behind them with their blessing.

There is something wrong with the Obama profited firearms industry in America. It produces nothing with and American soul in it, but insteads looks as beat one over the head as a Moison Nagant and as cheap ass profit gouging as that crap that comes out of China.
America is overflowing with these ugly AR 15's in these military configurations all designed to make a castrated people feel empowered for a few moments.

I in not any way want to ban an AR 15 of any type, but I want them the exceptions and not the rule. A deer should be harvested with something that looks like Daniel Boone would carry it, not something that Bradley Cooper gives himself an anal exam with.

There is something wrong with the American psyche. It has been abused and it is now being raped by these ghastly firearm productions in mass.


Americans used to produce beautiful guns that grandchildren relished and took hunting, because those were the 94 Winchesters their families purchased to put meat on the table. Gone are the guns which were bright and pretty, and all that remains are these dark and brooding plastic weapons which appeal to the psychotic.

The regime which controls America is not the Republic of John Olin who produced with Winchester and Savage the great artistic guns of America. The message is clear as firearms are meant to look menacing and bring out the worst emotional reaction in every person who touches them.

Nuff Said
