Friday, April 6, 2018

For the Love of Homo

Dumbo Sean and Dumbo Jimmy

Now the elephants are fighting and killing each other!!!

Sean Hannity’s problem is that for eight years, while Obama was President, he was unable to get an erection. For eight years, not one erection. And he tried everything … he tried looking at pictures of Paul Ryan with his shirt off. Didn’t work,” Kimmel said.

“[Hannity] went to office Christmas parties with Bill O’Reilly,” Kimmel continued. “Nothing worked. But now that Trump is president, here’s the twist, Sean Hannity is unable to have anything but an erection. He’s had an erection since November of 2016. And it’s driving him mad. He’s lost his mind.”

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I don't understand why hate has lost all purpose in uniting us as why can we not just hate Jesus and Christians and be the laughing, drunken tramps and sluts for satan that we all were.

It is getting worse now that our hate has not united us, but now our love is dividing us, as what is this world coming too when our love for sodom up the arse sexers and women whose nethers smell of lube and rubber can not keep Sean Homo Hannity and Jimmy Lezbo Kimmel from fighting.

 Sean Hannity and Jimmy Kimmel Are Locked in an All-Out War over Melania Trump After the Chuck Schumer Mouthpiece Launched Hateful and Bigoted Attack Against the First Immigrant First Lady

This is all so disquieting as how can we be fighting over Melania Trump? I mean here were have Irish fat boy Sean Hannity and Italian fat boy Jimmy Kimmel fighting over a woman like they think the victor gets to shove Donald Trump out of bed and they get a go round with the First Lady.


Today children I want to read to you
about how to get fat boys to fight over you. 

I just do not understand it, as Melania is a Marionette, a favorite of the Pater Pope, so why are a fat Irish and fat Italian boy fighting over her as the Pater Pope could get satan to drag fools off to hell who bother his  Melania. For that matter, the Virgin Mary kills children for their organs after Melania prays for things like that, so it is not like Melania needs men around fighting for her.
Into that, Melania loves faggots. The Pater Pope not only loves faggots, but the Pater adores pedophile homos, again with all this love of homo around, why can't we just get along and stop fighting over a woman we are never going to go where Donald has gone before, especially fat little Irish and Italian boys.

Personally, I would much rather see Lynda, Sean Hannity's brains and beauty fight Jimmy Kimmel with just about any form. She is the real brawn in the Hannity court, and not having her throw down just is not ........well having Hannity and Kimmel go at it, is like Rush Limbaugh doing the #MeToo in hoping Kimmel will cover himself with oil to get a rush at the back nine hole as Rush swings his wood on the course.

This world if falling apart when hating Jesus and loving queers is not enough, as it has us fighting in Jew on Jew violent vocabulary in Kurt Eichenwald and Ben Shapiro who both hate Donald Trump, Jesus and Christians, and now it is the Catholic boys fighting over Melania Trump.

Can't we just let Melania Trump write books for children she loves for a pedo Pater who has lots of different definitions of Biblical things.

Nuff Said
