Monday, May 14, 2018


Keep em coming boys, as hell is the dry place!


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry reports today that............John McCain is not dead.

Time period between July 19, 2017 and May 14, 2018 (exclusive) equals to:
  • 299 days
  • ... or 42 weeks & 5 days
  • ... or 9 months & 25 days
Between July 19, 2017 and May 14, 2018 (exclusive) there are:
  • 205 working days (1640 hours, assuming 8-hour workday),
  • 94 non-working days including:
    • 43 Saturdays,
    • 43 Sundays,
    • 8 federal holidays (US) falling on weekdays

That would be 205 working days with people who have jobs and 205 working days for people with jobs who actually showed up for work.....excluding politicians.

John McCain Has Brain Cancer, Senator's Office Says - The New ...

Jul 19, 2017 · WASHINGTON — Senator John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee known for his independent streak over more than three decades representing Arizona in the Senate, has brain cancer, his office disclosed Wednesday night in a statement from the Mayo Clinic. Mr. McCain, 80, has a ...

I realize that we have all been waiting around since a year ago for John McCain to die, as we have been told that John McCain is battling a deadly form of brain cancer.......

Son-in-law: McCain 'hugged me,' asked me 'to take care of Meghan'

John McCain's son-in-law tweeted that the senator, who is battling a deadly form of brain cancer, hugged him and asked him to care for his daughter

I do not know what a non deadly form of brain cancer is, but there must be a number of varieties or AZ Central would have not mentioned the difference.

I do realize also that worrying about feeding Megs McCain is a chief concern as that would bankrupt most husbands, so assuring that the heiress is not being cut out of the beer trust fund will comfort the new husband, but this is not about the feed bill for Megs, which is no doubt why John the hero McCain has hung on so long.

The Lame Cherry notes hanging on, as the Lame Cherry consulted the expert on this, in Senator Tedward Kennedy of Chappaquiddick deep water diving and cemetery sex. 

See Teddy Kennedy announced he had a deadly form of brain cancer on May 20th.

Senator Kennedy Has Malignant Brain Tumor -

May 20, 2008 · Tests taken after Senator Edward M. Kennedy suffered a seizure indicated that he has a type of cancer called a malignant glioma.

 Tedly then enjoyed life to the fullest for 58 days, taking a nice yacht ride, where he immediately went home to the mansion and died on schedule, in taking an overdose of medications, much like Barbara Bush seemed to die right on schedule once she ran out of jokes about what a worthless son George was.

Edward Kennedy, Senate Stalwart, Dies - The New York Times

Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, a son of one of the most storied families in American politics, a man who knew acclaim and tragedy in near-equal measure and who will be remembered as one of the most effective lawmakers in the history of the Senate, died late Tuesday night. He was 77 ...

So John the hero McCain lingers on, attacking women like Sarah Palin and Gina Haspel, attacking President Trump, as President Trumps valiant wife, Melania battles her own major operation at Walter Reed, but John the hero McCain valiantly fights on, making sure his spooked son in law will get the money to feed Megs and not file for divorce while John is still deciding on which body part he will be wearing his leg brace each day.

Son-in-law: McCain 'hugged me,' asked me 'to take care of Meghan'

John McCain's son-in-law tweeted that the senator, who is battling a deadly form of brain cancer, hugged him and asked him to care for his daughter

The thing in this is John McCain says he has glioblastoma, and Wiki says it is the most aggressive form of cancer. Yes this must be the deadly form and not the non deadly form.

Glioblastoma - Wikipedia

Glioblastoma, also known as glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), is the most aggressive cancer that begins within the brain. Initially, signs and symptoms of glioblastoma are non-specific.

The thing is, the cancer site says that some people can live 5 years with John the hero McCain's cancer, which must explain why cancer agrees so much with him.

Survival Rates for Selected Adult Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors

Survival Rates for Selected Adult ... They can't tell you how long you will live, ... The 5-year survival rate is the percentage of people who live at ...

The thing is if you are married to a gonzo rich beer queen that Donald Trump appoints as some official to Beertopia, is that you get your hands on TEMODaR early. That is not Matador like a bull fighter or East Timor that Kissinger stole the gold out of but Temodar which is a brain cancer drug, and the docs on that say it is a moving train of wonderful treatment results.

All Glioblastoma Multiforme IV live longer than prognosis?? I ...

ps-- I should add, the statistics are a moving train. For example, the current statistical pool is only just beginning to reflect long-term survivors for whom Temodar was available at initial diagnosis.

So for all of you waiting for John the hero McCain to die, you can see that cancer loves him, and that he is on meds which can keep him going five plus years. Hell he will probably be running for re election on the Vote for me as I beat Cancer platform, because Teddy Kennedy was no match for cancer, and when he went down, he said, "Hey if I can't be making waitress sandwiches any more, I am taking an overdose and checking out", but John the hero McCain is lurking  around the Mao Clinic, assuring the son in law that he will be funding the Meg's feed bill as it might be she might have gone through 5 beefs by that time.

So it looks like it might be awhile, as no one has ever said what the hell is really wrong with McCain and why he has a deadly form of cancer that is not killing him, but is keeping him around long enough to ration death to everyone else and be a bastard to more women and President Donald Trump.

I know John the hero McCain might see this blog post and decide to do the right thing and check out, but when has he ever done the right thing once he was caught doing the wrong thing like being a traitor in Vietnam or frying sailors on the deck of the Forestall.

This is the McCAIN WATCH, an exclusive from the Lame Cherry, because we all love John the hero McCain and can not wait to hear what kind of bastard thing he will be engaged in next as he fights that deadly cancer, which did not kill him.

Nuff Said
