Monday, May 14, 2018

The Confederate Dead

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The dead always have stories to tell and the dead always had someone who hoped on their coming into the world and once upon a time loved them. The photos in this series are colorized battles of the Civil War dead in the Confederates in the stories they tell, about the living Yanks.

The above is the Dunker Church at Sharpsburg or Antietam Creek. So much was hoped for in the South with the invasion of the North, that peace would come as Washington City would be placed in jeopardy.

The above photo shows a Confederate caisson, the carriage which followed a cannon, with the balls, powder and explosives. This is a remarkable photo of the dead, in the Union did not pile the dead there and the Confederates did not drag them either, as one can discern that the bodies fell where they lay.
These were not dead from an explosive shell and that leaves a more saddened tale of this group of Soldiers was standing by the artillery, and a Union volley killed them all. The range was close and lethal.

The Union did not shoot the mules.

This is a Confederate at Petersburg or the Siege. The vanquished do not have the luxury of burying their dead and those in conquest do not bury the dead, unless the stench becomes a threat of plague.
This was a head shot from the left.
Remember Lincoln required hours to expire. The large blood pool is out of place. It almost appears by the hat which was in hand, that it was neatly dropped when a low velocity bullet struck, dropping the Soldier from an arterial hit, hence the blood spurted left, and then as the heart ceased, simply drained out the head and sinus.
No dust on the left side indicates the body did not roll in death spasm.

Another photo of the fortunes of war. No presence of blood. The Confederate expired quickly upon being shot. His open mouth was a lack of oxygen in labored breathing.
His rifled appearance was not looking for the wound. One does not look in one's possible bag for a wound or their pockets. Someone helped themselves to this dead man's valuables. His best shirt was not a fit.

Lastly Sharpsburg again, with a Confederate boy lying next to the body of a Union Soldier buried. Shallow grave in respect as the Union buried their own, and the Confederates left their dead, to be disposed of as fate would have it. What was of value was the weapons and they were always picked up.
He appears to have a wound in his right wrist, but did not bleed a great deal, indicating another heart shot or a bayonet to the heart, where he sat down as he weakened and rolled in death to the left.

In the top left corner there are men, and in front of them is a bloated dead horse. The shattered wood points to explosive shells. As armies do not shell their own troops in close combat, indications are this was a private war where two Americans killed each other and sat facing each other in death, hence the Union grave, buried where he fell.

Nuff Said
