Saturday, August 25, 2018

ALERT: John the hero McCain Departs United States

Ben Affleck has intervention with Benefits with the new Widow


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

OK I am overcome with grief as I just can not fathom the facts that John the hero McCain is tits up, in the morgue, DOA, bit the dust, deader than Truth and in this world no more.

It seems just like yesterday in a Friday afternoon press release to grab attention that the wife, came out in a perfect sympathy plea announcing that John the hero McCain had called off the treatment of his friendly cancer which was not killing him for over a year. Then just like that, on Saturday night, right on schedule for the Sunday morning talk shows, John the hero McCain will be the entire focus.
It seems just like today that communist John Brennan was bragging on John McCain as the only Republican who could bring down Donald Trump.

Now of course there will be the right on schedule McCain lying in state probably in Arizona, I would think he would lie in state at the Bush libraries in Texas, probably his  good friend Birthers Hussein will have him up to Chicago, and John the hero McCain will lie in state at the US Capitol Rotunda for all to wall coverage by CNN where all the #NeverTrumpers can come and kiss the casket.

Our hearts go out to poor Megan McCain. She is probably down to just four meals a day and has sworn off appetizers in this time of mourning.

It is all too much in our grief to take this all in, as it is is almost as if it was posted here yesterday that people like John the hero McCain announce death and on schedule Teddy Kennedy dies on time and Barbara Bush dies on time, as they open the morphine drip and death has that 60's purple haze feel to it as the lights all go out.

It just seems so on schedule in John the hero McCain  will be around all week, get his National Homosexual Cathedral Buial with Donald Trump barred from it all as what comes next, Don jr. indicted by Robert Mueller?

 The thing is I just could accept John the hero McCain no longer in America, if it was not Good Morning Vietnam in Robin Williams fashion, as  night settled on America, the sun rose on Vietnam, and this odd photo appeared of a welcoming ceremony of one of communist Vietnam's heroes, and the stride and the walk, looks just like John the hero McCain being welcomed home.

A man looking like John the hero McCain being welcomed
by adoring Vietnamese communists they day after 
John McCain departed America for his ideological heaven

So much grief, in this all looked like it was all planned out in Bed Pan Suicide for the affect of publicity for the overthrow of America.....

I hope they have treatment facilities in Hanoi like they provided McCain previously in his sojourn there.
