Saturday, August 25, 2018

In Comp and Tent

President Trump Directs Pompeo to Cancel North Korea Trip: ‘We are Not Making Sufficient Progress’

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I say nothing about Donald Trump with relish in his failures, because thee American People are weighed in the balance, as much as millions of other souls who face various nuclear or economic  holocaust. I place here though revelation to humiliate this President and expose his staff's deliberate sabotage or incompetence to educate the American people and the world, that perhaps by fiat that Donald Trump's validity of manhood will be stirred in this public shaming.
It is as General Patton slapping the coward in the hopes that public humiliation would get this reprobate off his ass and not let his race down.

The issue is now again North Korea, and this is Donald Trump's failure, as he has proven that he is not as intelligent as Kim Jong Un, and has ordered Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to not continue journeys to Pyongyang.

The reality of this is, Donald Trump in thee most disjointed Herbert McMaster threatening of North Korea to start nuclear war with trusting Peking with American secrets which were turned against America, devolved to Donald Trump meeting Kim Jong Un, where Kim returned US KIA's missing in action, but stated that thee Americans were not progressing with peace in treaty with North Korea, used thee only means they had in foot dragging in stopping the dismantling of nuclear sites.

To this Donald Trump stopped the dialogue through Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State as "things were not advancing", so now we have Donald Trump stopping negotiations as the headline without an alternative.

The milk has already been spilled, but this blog laid out a path for peace, which if it would have been followed would  have not allowed North Korea to retreat. It involved a series of meetings with Madam Kim in Tokyo, Moscow, Prague, Paris, London and New York. The point in this was to expose the North Koreans to the west and while in that exposure have them enjoy the attention and continue the interaction of dialogue with the press and the public, where they would have to answer the questions of nuclear dismantlement, in order to keep the pressure on.

Ronald Reagan had the bully pulpit against the evil empire and the Soviet Union wanted to be seen by the west as not barbaric, but with the rants of Trump in Twitterages by his staff, and Mr. Trump's hide the cock in bimbos, all moral authority was vanquished coming out of DC, which has now devolved further to the ineptitude of John Bolton, Mike Pence and John Kelly.

The United States has zero strategic plan for North Korea. It bullies on Twitter and sends carriers to terrorize, then pulls back for smiling meetings, then when the situation is what is known North Korea would do, Donald Trump quits. That is not leadership.

This blog stated previously that thee only way to make Peking, Moscow and Pyongyang honest in these negotiations is to follow the Reagan Rule, and that is to deploy Pershing medium range missiles into NATO to match Soviet deployments in the 1980's. This is what began the start of dialogue and trust was built between Reagan and Gorbachev.

This blog has stated that the United States should have already laid the groundwork to the nuclear arming of Japan in Japan assembling their disassembled arsenal, with the reality that South Korea would to match North Korea's nuclear arsenal, deploy   800 warheads on 100 strategic missiles, in a mix of cobalt and neutron warheads. If North Korea and China wish to play with nuclear talismans to torment the United States, then America parks a continent destroying arsenal in South Korea, with Japan's continent destroying arsenal, and Japan is greenlit to arm the Republic of China.

It is past time that Donald Trump stop looking like a feckless swinging pendulum and enact policies in response to China, Russia and North Korea which will get their attention.

Once the Japanese Nuclear Tsunami is established, the United States which has kept it's Twitter mouth shut for 60 days, will announce that the incorrect Jimmy Carter policy of a single China is no longer recognized by the United States, and that a 2 China policy is thee American standard, with the Republic of China announcing they too have 800 cobalt and plutonium warheads purchased from Japan, and that Taiwan will assume it's rightful voting chair at the United Nations, seated beside Niki Haley the US Ambassador.
The United States will not longer recognize a full single vote from China, but will instead allow a half vote for the Chicoms and a half vote for the free People of Taiwan.

South Korean missile launches in  answer to North Korea

Make Peking feel her nuclear choices in Pyongyang, and by whatever Donald Trump bows to, you prepare for a war of attrition in cutting of Chicom supply with the full authority of Taiwan, Japan and South Korea responding with their nuclear arsenals.

President Lyndon Johnson tried the kinder and gentler war with the communists of Vietnam with great harm to himself and America. President Richard Nixon responded correctly in blowing the hell out of Cambodia where the VC operated and Hanoi. That brought the communists to the table.
President George W. Bush tried the kinder and gentler war with Islamists, and it has spread the Muslim problem. That situation should have been remedied after 9 11 in neutron warheads cleansing Afghanistan, as General Curtis LeMay offered as a solution to the Vietnam War.

President Donald Trump in Kushner beautiful chocolate cake diplomacy to make North Korea an issue, instead of ignoring it as others have. Now Mr. Trump looks even more feckless and without direction, as he failed and he is the one now not talking to North Korea. This is not policy. This is the worst form of incompetence.
If Donald Trump had not any end game, then he should not have started the intercourse.

Kim Jong Un starts firing off missiles again in North Korea. The South Korean start firing off old Saddam Hussein Scud Missiles out of Iraq over North Korea and Russia and Chinese landscape. Dare the sons of bitches to start a war, as international observers are in Seoul for these rocket launches.

That is the problem with Donald John Trump in he is too New York Valued and has no American Cowboy in him who has sense enough to not get into fight that he is not ready for and has not hat enough to throw down make it a last stand once you have thrown your hat into the fight.

Will Donald Trump make the necessary advancements in US policy?  No he will not as his advisers are all gutless who do not want war and China knows this because Trump told them that in Kushner negotiations and Pyongyang knows this. So what follows is the United States looking even more feckless and incapable, as the erosion of American prestige continues, which will eventually end in some Obama pulling the United States out of Asia through Peking intimidation or some Trump getting half assed into a war and being humiliated and turning over Taiwan and South Korea.

Having watched the ineptness of John Kennedy over the Soviet Union and Cuba which only came about due to Kennedy's lack of leadership at the Bay of Pigs, and having watched the endless parade of these socialist White House occupants named Carter, Bush, Clinton and Obama, the rare occasions of a Nixon  and Reagan who actually knew what they were doing as they had advisers who were competent is what is missing from Donald Trump's junta. Each of you  have to live with this now, whether you are a #NeverTrump nut weakening America further or a Trump Clapper propping up this paper tiger. The Lame Cherry posts American policy, because there are no Americans left making policy, only this Pentajew claque which bases everything on conglomerates and finance for the police state.
I personally am disgusted by having to advocate real nuclear roulette, but that is what is left by all this incompetence since Ronald Reagan and each day this progresses it is one day closer to the Eurasians engaging in a nuclear war they will win against the United States, which is now nothing but the Christian Ghettos surrounded by the Trump Visa Vermin having obliterated the American Race to this anus hole of 3rd world excrement.

Donald Trump inherited a mess and he made it flat ass worse. It is now a point that you either confront the nuclear bullies in the chance of making them blink in backing down to a limited exchange or waiting around until America blinks and scorched earth USA ensues.

For those blaming Trump in this, Hillary Clinton would have been as weak as Jeb Bush would have been cockless. Clinton would have instead whistled through the graveyard and Bush would have attempted a bribe in punting this to a nuclear war.

Nuff Said

