Of Course I Can Handle My Booze!!!
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Well I knew it, I just knew it, that behind every scandal is a goddamn Irish Mick, from Ireland to Watergate, and sure enough Russiagate has finally come to the Truth in John Brennan has confessed.
“Sometimes my Irish comes out, in my tweets…”
See the problem with John Brennan is not that he is a communist, it's that he is Irish.
You remember this right in Teddy Kennedy's problem was not that he drown girls under bridges, but that he was Irish. Same with Obama.........you know he was Toby Black Irish, and sure as hell that was his cocksucker proclivity too with little boys, but his problem was he was Irish.
Been drinking this since I was four years old!!!
Now the Truth can finally be gleaned in how MI6 Theresa May conned poor John Brennan into being a traitor to America in that clever Christopher Steele of Pissgate Dossier's. That May sent over a plane load of Irish Boilermakers in whiskey and beer and that John Brennan was pissed to the gills, blitzed, shit faced, drunk as a skunk. That poor bastard would have sent his wife to Gitmo if Theresa May had ordered it as he was so soused, that the floor was where Peter Strzok found him most days when he reported to Brennan.
The Real Mother's Milk
That would account for how nuts Brennan has been. He is a drunk. Probably doesn't remember a damn thing since Obama nominated him. Poor Irish bastard probably pisses in the corner vase and thinks he has discovered a new herbicide as the house plants are all going yellow.
It would explain how he has hot twin daughters with black hair. Hell them kids aren't his as they are too attractive. Obviously the old lady was out getting the bony pony from some beef cake while Brennan was sucking the Tulamore Dew like his mother's nipple.
Hell I bet his mum weaned him after the first week on Irish whiskey and the kid has been having it as a food group ever since.
Is the Pope Catholic? Of course I'm drunk, it's 9 am on a Monday!!!
Obviously John Brennan needs to be institutionalized and treated for the Irish National Past Time and he needs to be protected from English vixens like Theresa May, as no telling what this drunken Mick did or gave away with that plane load of booze bribe. Sure that plane load only lasted a few days, but I will bet somewhere there are still CIA flights coming in for Brennan and all you have to do is follow the bottles on the road from Brennan's house to the airport to trace where the bribe is being delivered as once you have them Mick's hooked, it is like Obama and little boys.
With that now settled that John Brennan is nuts, but he is nuts because he suffers from that Irish disease, we can all calm down now and just put him into some detox center, not by any open flames for a few years, as dude probably has 180 proof blood and we can all go along and pretend this embarrassing situation did not happen.
Oh and Brennan is probably not a Communist or a Muslim. He probably was so drunk that he though that asked, "Do you vote in COLUMNS" and "Do you prefer MUSLIN on your bed sheets", as that makes more sense.
I really feel bad for John Brennan, as I suspect his admission of being an Irish Mick probably arose when he lost his security clearance and thus his paycheck, and the old ball and chain was not going to put up with a drunken Irishman without a paycheck. See you can keep an Irishman around as a wife, in his being shitfaced all the time as it means no sex with him, no dealing with him, and you get all the money, but without the money, you will have to go out and take it out in trade, and let's face it in if you seen Mrs. Mick, in that woman would have a hard time making a living offering it for free.
Tear down that damned Washington Monument
and put up a real monument to Guinness!!!
Anyway, John Brennan has confessed he is just another Irish Mick, which explains it all.
Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???
PS: I just took a piss and it ignited into a blue flame. Perhaps I should lay off that whiskey on my buckwheats in the morning.
— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) July 16, 2018
Nuff Said