Sunday, August 19, 2018

John Brennan Officially Noted as Nutty as Alice the Goontard

Barry just calls me Alice the Goon

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

One has to discern if one is reasonable, that when the CIA's Jake Tapper, jumps into the cage match with the deep state's James Clapper in tag teaming John Brennan for being loonier than Alice the Goon from Popeye, you got to figure the handwriting is on the wall that John Brennan needs to be McCarren Act swept away to a Straight Jacket Hotel.

James Clapper, the director of national intelligence under former President Barack Obama, took a swipe at former CIA Director John Brennan on Sunday, saying that his former colleague’s anti-Trump rhetoric has become “an issue in and of itself.”
“Do you think that John Brennan’s hyperbole is an issue here, is one of the reasons we’re having this crisis?” CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Clapper during a panel discussion about President Donald Trump’s decision to revoke Brennan’s security clearance.
“I think it is,” said Clapper, a CNN analyst. “John is sort of like a freight train and he’s gonna say what’s on his mind.”
“John and his rhetoric have become an issue in and of itself,” he added.

 HYPERBOLE:  reckless deception

Hypberbole is defined as EXTRAVAGANT EXAGGERATION, which is what America always looks for in intelligence officials (sarcasm) as we now have Tapper and Clapper, both informing thee entire world that JOHN BRENNAN HAS NO INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION TO BACK UP THE RIDICULOUS ATTACKS HE HAS BEEN WAGING AGAINST DONALD TRUMP. John Brennan has made it all up and that is what James Clapper just admitted about his intelligence cohort who ran the Smear and Frame Trump for Hillary 2016 AD in the year of our Lord out of the Obama White House.

Reckless deception is what John Brennan stands condemned by in his own people. Reckless deception is exactly what Russiagate is all about.


 Let me clarify in I said Brennan is goontard not Alice the Goon

That is quite damning and even more so in the revelations in how Comey and Mueller made millions of dollars by giving contracts and jobs to each other in the conglomerates which hired them in selling influence.

What is not noted by these revelations is that this goes beyond contact work for John Brennan.

Schweizer explained the motivations behind political and news media recalcitrance towards President Donald Trump’s removal of security clearances from former Obama-era intelligence officials John Brennan and James Clapper.
“One of the reasons you’re going to see a lot of pushback and a lot of screaming on this issue of security clearances is that it goes to the heart of their ability to cash in,” said Schweizer. “If they don’t have a security clearance, they cannot cash in with these contractors in this way.

This is not about conglomerate manufacturing, but is about MEDIA where Jake Tapper works as much as James Clapper in CNN and CNBC, count on these former Obama and Bush officials to see classified reports and discuss classified information with current intelligence and government officials, which they can leak cleverly on media programs to kick the hell out of politicians for the deep state.
That is what is at stake here, beyond Brennan leaking the name of a CIA operative in Yemen, is the fact that no one can now speak to Brennan about the Trump coup in briefing him on classified information, and that means CNN and CNBC have absolutely lost a source to hound Donald Trump with.

As this blog has stated, no one should have a perpetual security clearance. Once out of government, you lose it and if you need one for industry, then you reapply and it is limited to the work there. It is ridiculous of a current intelligence official to have to reach out to someone like Brennan, as the employed intelligence community has more than enough accomplished officials, and as they do not set policy, that is the President's prerogative to bring in former officials or agents to brief them and gain their advice for a political outcome.

One asks Henry Kissinger how to deal with Moscow, not John Brennan, as Moscow is a diplomatic and not an intelligence issue.

But there we have it all in officially, John Brennan is now the equal to Alice the Goon for being raging hormones nuts. It if fitting as Brennan actually looks like Alice.

Why does Chris Matthews keep calling me Mr. Brennan?
