President Lyndon Baines Johnson
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
They're like kids - unless you whack them across their ass once a day, they'll run all over you.
They're as slanted as an old cow shed, but where they really get their rocks off is on that editorial page. That's where the big guns think they're really getting at you. And don't let anyone tell you any different.; these editorial flunkies do exactly as their owners and publishers tell them. And these smart ass columnists are as whorish as Washington lawyers or New York bankers.
I could have their peckers in my pocket anytime - if I cared. But who wants them?
Give me the headline writer, the photo editors and the cartoonists and you can have all the editors and columnists you want.
Mr. President you may think you take it form the press, and Mr. Vice President you think they give it to you pretty good, but you gents get the kid gloves treatment by comparison to me. If you want to see the worldwide, all time patsy to those jerks, you're looking at him. They not only tell me how bad my voice is getting and about my connections to the mafia, but even about my sex life and how I should spend my money.
Yes Mockingbird is an interesting CIA enterprises which is the flock which keeps on giving.
Nuff Said