As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I will not invest a great deal of time in this as it is a matter of rich people reside in large metropolitan areas which will be targeted as past events as 9 11 have proven, and as rich people are not donating to this blog in the types of large donations they should be, leaving it to those who are Christian, there is not a reason for me in my Spiritual growth to post things to save people who have left me without home and for dead.
This is another alert though centered on Iran. Iran has been engaged in planting stories taking credit for 9 11 in helping terrorists, threatening America enough for a Twitterage from Donald Trump, and literally Iran has been playing directly into Brzezinski known chess policy to invite an American strike upon Iran.
Now America is laying the framework for Iranian sleeper cells. (Some popular girl mentioned Iran was behind the Las Vegas massacre) Which are now deemed a direct threat to the United States, as Donald Trump is gearing up for a Greater Judea War.
Iranian-backed “sleeper cells” are in the United States and waiting for the word to attack, experts told Congress on Thursday.
“The answer is absolutely. We do face a threat,” said Emanuele Ottolenghi, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies who spoke at a hearing of the House Homeland Security Committee’s subcommittee on counterterrorism and intelligence. “Their networks are present in the United States.”
“Iran’s proxy terror networks in Latin America are run by Tehran’s wholly owned Lebanese franchise Hezbollah,” he said, the Washington Free Beacon reported. “Their presence in Latin America must be viewed as a forward operating base against America’s interest in the region and the homeland itself.”
No one is asking, save this blog, why would Iran be inviting a massive attack from America? It would seem foolish, but again deduce the realities of an American attack.
America has the Oasis Coalition of Sunni and Jews, whose population is nothing compared to Shia Iran.
America has now isolated itself in Europe is backing Iran, Russia is backing Iran and China is backing Iran.
America is now facing Eurasians who have more people under arms, than America has in a population.
From a tactical operational standpoint, Iran has a finite number of military and civilian targets to hit. Iran is a rather rugged terrain. Iran with it's leadership will survive if America launches WMD's or conventional munitions as Iran can absorb all American firepower and survive.
If America is forced to invade Iran with heavy armour, Iran's rugged geography would provide a guerilla warfare haven to mount massive casualties on Americans.
From a diplomatic standpoint, Russia is in treaty with Iran to come to her military aid, and China dependent upon Iranian oil would also supply as in Syria, the correct firepower and military strength to negate American military projection and success.
Iran has been under American sanctions since Jimmy Carter and Iran still survives intact.
This is why Iran is prompting the United States to engage militarily with Iran, for the reality that Iran has factored in that Iran will win against American air power or WMD's. Iran will win if America is moronic enough to deploy troops in Iran, because Iran will bloody America in a guerilla war. Iran will win if America strikes as Europe is against America, Russia is against America and China is against America.
In factoring the above, whether it would be Iran or any number of nations seeking to initiate a 9 11 type nuclear holocaust to force America into an economic isolation and shattering, the odds are now beyond the average that as America is willing, Iran is willing to be struck as Iran has factored in the long game, in the Shia outnumber the Sunni and Jew, and the world outnumbers the Americans now being replaced by Trump Visa Vermin. Iran will win, because her terrain will absorb the blow and time will allow in number for the Sunni, Jew and Trumperica to crumble from within.
No one is asking why Iran is engaged as she is, as her MI6 agents are goading America to strike.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. Name one war since HW Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama started in the Mideast which has not been a festering sore on the United States as America has nothing but these Oasis Bases which are not defensible and will crumble in an Afghanistan war of attrition.
Nuff Said