Sorry Nigger, no parade for you, but I am starting a nuclear war
in Iran, so it is almost like the same thing in your flag draped coffin....
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Are you enjoying being manipulated?
Did I not tell you I smelled a rat in the Alex Jones social media meltdown, as Jones had disappeared after the 2016 election?
Just remember in reading the following Twitterage from Donald John, that this registered Republican, Conservative, Christian, who wrote the time line to place Donald Trump into the White House has been in Facebook limbo since 2016 AD in they year of our Lord AND NO ONE GAVE A DAMN!!!
But now that it is an election year pawn which will trigger all of you Trump clappers, the NSA funded social media, suddenly starts going scorched earth on a few notable names who have disappeared, as if the NSA ordered them to do this, after a warning shot was fired by Facebook stocks being divested of in billions by an NSA money pull out.
You have notice flaming Mark Zuckerberg has disappeared as if someone told this Jew there was a new Jew game in town and he had better go hide under a silicon chip or someone was going to take his front company away from him, as Murdoch had MySpace taken from him.
President Trump Blasts Big Social Media for ‘Totally Discriminating Against Republican/Conservative Voices’; ‘We Won’t Let That Happen’
Bill Maher is another Mockingbird fixture and he is now rolling back liberals. Why? Because of the Webster Griffin Tarpley admission that the democratic party is to be split to the Trump sodomite socialist and the Clinton lunatic communists.
Maher as a CIA mouthpiece is preparing the liberals for the split as is the Daily Show.
You Know Things are Bad When Even the Leftist ‘Daily Show’ has to Urge Democrats to Stop Giving FBI Election-Rigger Peter Strzok Money
Joe Lieberman is apparently going to lead the normal debauchery lunatics over to team Trump, as Lindsey in the gay ear Graham with Marco sweat spot Rubio, leads the faggot GOP to the bend over section.
What remains then are the Conservatives who will be 3rd party, as all the "cuckservatives" will Sean Hannity mouthpiece for a kinder gayer conservatism.
I will ask again, are you enjoying being manipulated?
I for one have not appreciated the Kushner mafia trying to destroy this blog in 2016 by sending Cuckservatude Treehose out to allow posts smearing me. I have not appreciated in the regime of Donald Trump that I had a very expensive global hawk drone flying over the brier patch daily. And once I mentioned it after weeks of this surveillance, and it was in drafts, the drone suddenly stopped flying in daylight.
Of course that is all coincidence and of course this current White House is completely right wing, and I can attest to that as I was rewarded with a press pass, I was given a multi million dollar book deal, and while I did not play hide the penis with Don jr., I of course was given a 6 figure job from one of the Pacs as of courses I have been so amply rewarded for all the work I did.
You are following the Pied Piper and going right over the edge of the abyss, as you have been so Trump abused emotionally for the past 2 years, that you are wore out, and you just want some peace, which all of this is about, and when the time comes to vote, you will zombie pull the leaver because you don't care any more......and what you will be voting for is the disgusting group of "Republicans" who have done nothing for a year now in leaving you languish, and whose policies look like Chuck Schumers..........just like Donald Trump's policies are all Jeb and Hillary policies.
Are you enjoying being manipulated?
I am going to help you with some advice now, as I would not have cable if I could afford it. I though treated us to some fries, and the fast food place had on FOX on big screen. Turn off that MKULTRA pulse you have overloading your systems as that continuous visual bright flash of color with they hypnotic effect of the scrolls are an electronic doping. You are stoned as in narcotics in the too big visual face of Big Hooker in your face, with the big sound, the speed to not be able to process the information is setting up everyone whether CNBC, CNN or whatever on the left to accept anything that has already been decided.
I will warn you again that EVERY election has already been decided for the midterms. The agenda on impeachment or not to impeach are already there, as are all the other policies which will appear which you do not want.
That is enough warning you again, as I have vented in only Jew mafia funded Alex Jones matters, but someone like me does not, nor do the thousands of Conservatives who have been banned by Facebook. I would and do not go near Facebook and I will never again. Our emergency and regular phone have all internet access, including Facebook deleted. I still have "alerts" from my carrier about updates for Android which only the NSA knows what that spyware is tracking now, but it is frustrating as hell to not have a home where I can tune the world out of. We did prowl around and I spoke to two farmers about some land, but the one was using it and the other said it was family homestead land. I can't blame people for that, as they were very nice about it, and one gave me sweetcorn to poison me, so how the hell can anyone complain about that!!!
Oh one more thing my children and my deadbeats, are you all that head up your ass, that you bought Donald Trump cancelling that military parade in DC in costing 92 million dollars?
DC Democrats Criticize President Trump After They Announce $92,000,000 Price Tag That Cancelled Military Parade
See if President Trump was really interested in a military parade, he has a joint Naval and Air Force Base at his beckon call, called Andrews Air Force Base.
It is adjacent to Washington City. It is FREE and even people with heads up their asses can see that Donald Trump could gay parade around this massive facility for hours as there is more than enough room for a real humdinger of a parade to honor the military.
Now is La'me Cherry just more intelligent than all of the Pentajews working for him, including Donald John or is it the fact that Donald John, just like all of his promises in MAGA never intended to deal with this parade?
Still enjoying being manipulated?
Judicial Watch reported last week that two flights to the "winter White House" in Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach, Florida by Preisdent Trump in February and March cost $1,281,420.
Between 2009 and 2016, President Barack Obama's family travel cost taxpayers at least $96,938,882.51.
CBS News' Laura Stricker confirms, based on a review of federal purchase orders, that the U.S. Secret Service spent the following on Jared Kushner's and Ivanka Trump's family trip:
- $6,884.03 for "multi-day ski passes for USSS personnel"
- $59,654.39 for "hotel accommodations for USSS personnel"
No money for the military, no money for the wall, no tax cuts for poor people, no lower prices for gas, no Rationed Death relief, but there is money for those necessary things.
Still enjoying your being manipulated?