Saturday, August 18, 2018

Dumb and Dumber

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We now have something more  we can agree upon in the world of Islam in ISIS, that is Obama created ISIS to steal oil out of Syria and Iraq, in order to launder money to fund Obama community organized projects and US elections, is a most excellent teacher.

I am not going to bother naming these two liberals who are pictured above, as what is the point of name fodder. One simply does not name a grain of rice in a bag as they are Darwin benefactors in the food chain, in some things are in this world to procreate and some are the shit which flushes down the drain.

This American snowflake duo though decided to prove that evil does not exist in the world, as it is just an idea. They then went off on bicycles across Eurasia sweating it up in their nethers on crotch cycles.

“I don’t buy it. Evil is a make-believe concept we’ve invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans holding values and beliefs and perspectives different than our own—it’s easier to dismiss an opinion as abhorrent than strive to understand it. Badness exists, sure, but even that’s quite rare. By and large, humans are kind. Self-interested sometimes, myopic sometimes, but kind. Generous and wonderful and kind. No greater revelation has come from our journey than this.”

Well evil being a make believe concept, ran into a vehicle with Muslims who rammed the bike parade and then the Muslims jumped out and stabbed the deniers of Truth to death.

I wonder what these Obama voters have up aps  running in they apparently never see photos like this as it is too upsetting, so they say evil does not exist.

I know all of this is ridiculous and is not even worth bothering with, but this is the stuff that is in government deciding how our lives are being managed and they are in such denial that they can not even deal with reality.

What bothers me most is the feminine excuses these people make for their own lives. They were vegan and look at this statement in because they want to ride bikes, therefore bikes are acceptable forms or transportation.

Bikes are a clean and quiet and simple way to get around, and a cheap one, too. They may make you more vulnerable, sure, but also more approachable. Humans can be an astoundingly generous species, and whether out of amazement or pity or a mix of both, one is likely to be offered more smiles, more encouraging waves, more curious conversations and genuine offers of a bed or a place to camp when biking than by perhaps any other mode of transport.”
This photo says it all in this environmental rapist. His bike has rubber, destroying rain forest and exploiting poor people Metal needs coal  to smelt it. He is dressed in nothing but synthetics from the oil industry and his bowls are all plastic from the same global warming. Then there his his stove putting those greenhouse gases into the air burning all of us up.

Yet none of that reality was even contemplated by this couple of snowflakes...........and if it was, it was dismissed as they had decided this was the proper green way to live, and all those people who have cars using oil, like the oil to lube their bikes, and tires like the tires they have, like plastics like the plastics they have and like food, raised in the same Monsanto industry are evil, just like God and Christians are evil for stating  there is evil in the world.

Their dogma is something to smile about and degrade others, but do not let Christian America stand as that is a real problem.

Personally,  I am quite pleased that these Darwin graduates are now not available to breed more of this asstardness into the gene pool, as this is nothing to lament in Obama terrorists got some of his snowflakes, but celebrated as things this stupid are like gazelles going up and sniffing leopards.
Donald Trump should give away bikes, backpacks and tickets to all of these snowflakes and turn them loose in Muslim lands where Islam is not evil and we can be certain that evil does not exist, as according to the snowflakes it is not evil for Muslims to murder liberals, as evil is only a concept.

Nuff Said

