Saturday, September 29, 2018

Emperor Kim

The Asian Khan Returns


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is interested in strategic positioning for the best possible outcome of the United States and nations which she interacts with. The Great Game of the British to Zbigniew Brzezinski's Grand Chessboard have proven to be murderous failures as all they accomplished was incessant war for the international banking cartels.

In this strategic postioning paper, the Lame Cherry advocates it is the long term strategy of American policy in the Asian Rim to raise Kim Jong Un to the status of monarch of Korea in his heir and son, and to make Kim Jong Un, Emperor of China.

For those who think this is an outlandish strategy which could never take place, they forget that the popular girl by God's Grace placed Donald Trump in the White House and they are the shortsighted ones in not comprehending the grand vision.

We begin this strategy with the obvious in North Korea, depending upon source, is sitting on 6 to 10 trillion dollars in wealth of minerals. That is larger than the entire Mideast oil revenues. The first step in this is to place before Kim Jong Un the reality that North Korea must make peace with South Korea, and join a trading group which will be called, in the parntering,  STAVJAK Singapore, Taiwan, America, Japan, Australia and Korea.
The key to this being a Korean Japanese alliance of nuclear security, coupling the technology of Japan, the industry of South Korea and the raw wealth of North Korea.

North Korea is sitting on $6 trillion in mineral resources

North Korea has mineral resources estimated to be worth at least $6 trillion, according to Quartz, and the secretive state is sitting on a vast array of mineral resources which remains largely ...

North Korea has up to $10 trillion of mineral wealth—trapped ...

North Korea has up to $10 trillion of wealth in minerals trapped underground $10 trillion. Up to $10 trillion worth of mineral ... Apple's trillion-dollar magic ...

In rolling this raw wealth over in Indochina, Australia, United States and Japan, that 10 trillion would magnify into 500 trillion dollars from finance to industrial production. Putting this plainly, North Korea is the lunar landscape of mineral wealth.

Now how does President Kim Jong Un become Emperor of Asia? The strategy is simple in China has zero resources from energy to raw materials. It is a paper tiger economy of low economic dynamics and output. It's economy is slowing and the fact is in technological advancement STAVJAK will out perform all of China 10,000 to 1.
The money flow of western rapine is always to enrich local powers and filter the money through the stock markets. In this case the 10 trillion of Kim Jong Un, would filter in part to the west, but with shrinking Chinese output, and the need for capital investments, North Korea, South Korea and Japan with Singapore finance would simply by investment purchase the greater part of mainland China. At 10 trillion dollars, Kim Jong Un could buy Peking 10 times over. That type of control is beyond sand pebble of George Soros, with Kim being a mountain.  The combined cash rapine of the Rothschilds is 100 trillion dollars looted from America. Kim Jong Un in a few years would be the greatest economic power in Asia and the single largest economic power on earth. The short version of this is, "The Kim who owns China is the Kim who is Emperor" Dictator Xi has already produced the legalities of Emperor in his usurping power, so it is a matter of monetary acquisition that Kim Jong Un, would become the Kahn of China.

This would be in the entire interest of Asia, Europe, America and Russia for Kim Jong Un to become Emperor. In Asia it would bring stability. Russia would no longer have Chinese rapine on her borders of sandals  on the ground invasion. America would not have the contention of China becoming a military pariah and Europe would have the labor market she is seeking of unskilled workers.

As this blog has stated, this would all be accomplished without war. It simply would be Kim's suits on the ground of Singapore finance in purchasing up China, with Japanese oversight in the material management of China. It would be a balance of power in Korea and Japan sharing a massive economic union tied into the United States.

The Korean people as are Japanese are a most industrious and clean population of productive growth. China is the Africa of Asia followed by Indonesia.  The problem is though China in the form she is, is a cancer upon the planet consuming resources as she consumes her population. In an Asian technicrat age, China eating her own expendable population is not cost effective. It would be more astute to return China to a declining population of peasant orchardists to feed themselves leaving combustion engines to the Korean world, and sandals the proper transportation of the Chin group.

Perhaps in time Emperor Kim, would see fit to export his Chinese population to colonies  on Mars in a major outreach investment of STAVJAK, which would be the prudent measure, of carving the iced moons of Jupiter and Saturn to re hydrate the red planet, where the sedate Chinese could be managed as a first settlement of Mars for more industrious Asians from Korea, Japan and Vietnam.

That of course is the future tense after Kim Jong Un and his son, become the Khan dynasty of Asia.

This is what real strategy is. It is reasonable that in twenty years Kim would accept control of China, and  in  that same age, begin the first funded  outreach to Mars in the colonization there. All without war, and the Horace Greeley maxim, "Go to Space Chinaman, Go to Space".

This is the offering which Donald Trump should come to agreement with in Kim Jong Un and the other Asian powers to deal with China and to produce the leadership, finance, industry and development which is essential to the Asian Rim.

Once again, another Lame  Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter in strategy which is missing from American policy as much as North Korea in her full progression on the world stage.

Nuff Said
