Friday, September 28, 2018

Two Realities

It's all a load of horse shit little lady
no matter how you serve up the deep dish apple pie

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Two things:

First this blog got to the liberals in demanding to know why Christine Blasey Ford and her lynch mob never voiced one bit of concern about Brett Kavanaugh around his daughters and only old lezbos on the court.

Right on cue, USATODAY plagiarized this blog.

USA Today Smears Kavanaugh as
Child Molester, Runs Column
Saying Keep Him Away From
Coaching Kids

Gateway Pundit, by Kristinn Taylor    Original Article
USA Today ran a column Friday night by Erik Brady calling on Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh to be kept away from coaching children even if he is cleared of the last minute uncorroborated allegations of sexual assault that have stalled his nomination. President Trump ordered a new FBI investigation into Kavanaugh Friday afternoon, noting later that this will be his seventh FBI background check, all of which Kavanaugh passed without a blemish of any kind on his record. Kavanaugh is a coach of girls basketball teams, including his daughter’s. NPR reported when he was nominated in July: “…He

Second I have been begging like Lazarus off the rich man's table for a donation from you rich people for years, and who shows you frauds up again, but liberals in they dumped $700,000 on Christine Blasey Ford. Liberals will give an old hosebag three quarters of a million dollars to lie, and you right wingers will not donate $350,000 to an honest girl who keeps her legs together.

GoFundMe campaigns for
Christine Blasey Ford raise
over $700,000 combined

CBS News, by Staff    Original Article
Two GoFundMe accounts made on behalf of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and her family have raised over $700,000 in donations for the woman accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault. "Cover Dr. Blasey´s security costs," has surpassed its $175,000 goal and raised over $200,000 in nine days. The GoFundMe campaign was created by Heidi Feldman on behalf of Ford´s family. "Due to death threats, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford ... and her family have had to leave their residence and arrange for private security," the page description reads. "Let´s create a fund to cover her security expenses, to do just

The lesson in this is liberals are mentally corrupt in not being  Holy Ghost Inspired to come up with content and conservatives are morally corrupt in stealing the content here, instead of donating.

What a load of horse shit from both hypocritical sides.

Nuff Said
