Friday, September 28, 2018

The Hot Stuff of Red, White and Blue Venus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do so enjoy people on the fringe as Columbus thought that the world is round when everyone else is stating it is flat (to keep you at home and under enslavement so you do not go sailing away to freedom) is something all of us should question.

In space all of us have pretty well decided that looking out to the galaxy is the future as Mars is hot as a fire ball and Venus is an 800 degree acid cloud...........

But some people think otherwise and have interesting observations like Venus has lightning storms which begs the question in how in an 800 degree hot acid atmosphere does lightning appear, but then Mars has what seems to be electric charged whirlwinds, but again, Mars is not 800 degrees, but again, neither is earth.

I like all of this as the blue planet which we were all shown, has suddenly become a white planet, because the explanation is the space probe was  photographing Venus through and ultra violet filter.
Now why NASA would be photograhing Venus through a blue filter is interesting in a multi million dollar spacecraft, as the apparent reason was according to Wiki, lens flare, in to keep photos clear in bright light, and the sun is a bright light.

Mariner 10, for example, was a 1973 NASA mission to fly by Mercury and Venus in order to better understand these worlds. The blue images of Venus that were beamed back were taken with an ultraviolet filter making the planet appear blue, and then these were further enhanced to bring out the details of Venus’s atmosphere, leading to an even bluer hue.

No need of that now though, as Venus is white.

Again there is a little problem in this, in an infrared lens, Venus is still blue and only has hot spots on it. If Venus were 800 degrees, melting lead, Venus would glow like a cherry.

The Russians in their spacecraft discovered volcanoes on Venus and this is a photo from a Russian lander of the Venusian surface. It is a most interesting photo as the 800 degree acid clouds are not on the ground, but the mountain reveals rounded effects from erosion and crazing in the surface, which in a planet 800 degrees, it is not exactly known for cooling effects to produce crazing and the reality is in volcanic activity, all things which would vaporize would vaporize and crazing would not be a prominent feature.
In opposite, if Venus was cooler, the above  erosion and effects of crazing would be  acceptable.
This looks a great deal like earth geology, save for the black sky which is odd as I thought Venus had a white sky, and how does one take photos on Venus when it is pitch black night with all those Venusian hot acid clouds billowing overhead.

Rhetorical question.


 NASA takes aerial photographs of Venus as their probes fall from the sky. No one though is explaining how with all those hot acid clouds is NASA taking pictures of volcanoes from high altitude.
Must be those ultra violet filters.

Again rhetorical.

Fantastic details though in it looking like earth, rounded volcanic domes, and all through zero light and hot acid clouds.

See Mars looks reasonable You got your red soil for some reason and you got frozen water.


Earth looks reasonable  in the same looking planet.

Mercury looks like the moon.

The thing is we know that Earth temperature is around 80 degrees on average, less on cloudy days as clouds stop the sun from warming the earth. Mars is around 20 degrees. So why is it with a cloudy planet like Venus that it is 900 degrees when it would seem through equal spacing of Mars, Earth and then Venus, that Venus should be around 140 degrees or the temperature of Saudi Arabia on a summer day, or with clouds, 120 degrees or on the poles somewhere in the 80 degree range at daytime and night around 40 degrees?

See we get lied to by scientists all the time, and when they get caught in propaganda, they always make these lens filter excuses. When NASA wants you to see beautiful Venus it it blue, but when they want you to stop thinking about going to Venus then it is white and 900 degrees.

I am not saying Venus is a summer oasis and that sexy blonde women are there and visiting here, but I am stating that fringe folk who appear on Rense do make some interesting points.

Dr Ray Keller PhD
The Venus Conspiracy

The Venus Conspiracy Documents - Part 1
The Venus Conspiracy Documents - Part 2
The Venus Conspiracy Documents - Part 3
Alien Messages Files

I have made an issue on the fakery of global warming based on the lie that Venus is hot due to greenhouse gases, when the fact is clouds deflect heat energy and do not trap it. The reason a greenhouse is hot is, is due to trapping heat energy, because if you put clouds into it, it would cool off.

But then Venus the blue planet is now Venus the red planet.

Again though with more cooling spots in infrared data than hot.
