Friday, September 14, 2018

The RN Cat

 Yes I am curious about what stupid thing you are doing LC,
but you can not be curious about me or I will bite and claw you,
as I  have my mystery and you have none.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Puntz is really good to me when I am  really sick, as in I am in bed and getting up is out of the question.

I tried walking it off today and then tried working it off, but a second round of bed at 4 pm was  the only solution.

Not long after I laid down, I felt the bed shake and it surprised me  as  the Puntz  was having a bad tummy trouble day too, as someone had again fed her something that disagreed with her.
My head really hurt, I was dizzy and  in that my stomach felt like puking, and it was worse as I had taken some advil with milk, so there was all  sorts of things going on down there.

The Puntz though was undaunted, as what was most important was GROOMING.  You have to know this kitty as she can lay around for 22 hours in a day, but the moment it is bedtime or I lay down that is the time to hit the bed like 800 pound gorilla and then start licking with a purpose like a ship bobbing in a typhoon.

I really need no sound, no bouncing, no motion, but instead for an hour I got wave after wave of the Puntz licking every hair on her for maximum effect. For breaks in the action, her tummy would bother her, so she would pass gas and that would have her leap a  few feet away, look at the spot in horror for a few minutes, before the grooming took place with even more purpose.

Sometime into an hour, the Puntz got down by my cold feet and laid on them, which warned me up and I passed out from it all. It must have been quite an ocean bed I was  on as I was more tired at 6 pm than when I laid down. I was though fortunately burning up with heat as that kitty got me major warm. That is ok as in the first hour I got chills after being hot as sinus does that to me.

She is still laying in there when I checked on her at 7 pm. She was delighted I came and took a swat at me with her smile on her face, and she rolls over and cuddle into a ball as the happiest kitty in the planet as who could not be pleased suffering along with me every day.

It does seem  when  I am sickest that she appears and lays on the bed. When I am not, I can count on her when she is not feeling good or wants something to come pounce on me or I awaken to these claws raking over my  skin to get my attention. It is an odd relationship we have on her terms, but it does work as I know she cares and she knows I will care for her. She trusts me and that is nice as she is a cat short on trust with everyone.

I always thought TL was stretching it when  TL said the Puntz smiles, but TL was right. I never liked cats and I never paid any attention to them, but this cat has more emotions than a human, and I can tell by her expressions what is going on with her. Her eyes  speak volumes and she is an Audrey Hepburn cat who honestly is a better actress than Audrey Hepburn.

In bad times she has been my nurse and I have been hers. I never thought I would ever be this attached to a cat, especially as this cat does things on her terms and one of the terms is NO CUDDLING EVER. Is just what we get along with in me usually yelling at her loudly so she knows I care as she ignores me, and her letting me know she cares as she makes this 'purrttt" sound which is happy to say she likes me.

She is my RN cat which I happened to survive without my brains falling out or puking today as she bounced on the bed caring for me in my hours of misery.

Nuff Said
