Thursday, September 13, 2018

Date Night With Florence


 Suck don't blow.......

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that the miracle of Hurricane Florence has been HAARP created in a tropical storm going to a CAT 4, and going from a CAT 4 to CAT 2 in a few hours before hitting land, along with changing direction from west to northwest like a rocket on a rail, all of us can enjoy the hurricane coverage, in being told that a CAT 2 can really be  CAT 4 as reported on FOX.

I though did not quite understand the FOX coverage of this storm as Shep Smith seemed to be using it as a way of weeding out dates.

For example when I tuned in Smith was snarling at the reporters on scene that he wanted to see them wet in their clothes so their nipples stuck out.

Then Smith started going on for a few hours in how much thee eye of a hurricane, really looks like an anus, and how hurricanes should be called HIMICANES, as it was all homophobic.

It then descended to Smith only giving air time to reporters who were worthy of giving him an erection as he watched their reports. Smith started rating reporters in 1 to 5 erections.

One reporter was asked to open his mouth for Smith to judge his ability to hoover him.

This poor woman was sentenced to the Black Pool as Smith said he was only into men.

Smith later sent her to do wave coverage, where she was swept out to sea, drown and  eaten by a great white shark.
Smith without batting an eye, yelled out NEXT!!

After this, Smith got on the phone with the White House demanding President Trump sign an executive order calling all hurricane eyes as hurricane anuses.
The White House switchboard would not put him through, but instead forwarded his call to Mitch McConnell where the two debated for 30 minutes whether it was ANUS or ONUS.

An older reporter refused to cooperate with Smith and said he remembered Smith from New Orleans telling all the reporters they had to bend over so he could check them for Louisianan Mudpuppies.

A Mexican reporter gave it all though in stripping down, shoving his mic up his anus, and promising Shep if he got the anchor job there was something called Donkey Kong that he would do for Smith.


Another reporter gained a prominent feature in the coverage by flashing his bulge to Smith. Smith though phoned 911 and demanded emergency personnel stop the rescue of a Black Baptist family in order to confirm the reporter's erection.

The segment ended with Shep Smith encouraging all FOX viewers to masturbate to the anus of Florence.

I really had not witnessed coverage like this before, but when a hurricane is going up and down in CATS like yo yo, and it is supposed to strike south of Savannah and rockets off to the Carolinas, where it loses it's eye wall over the ocean with the immense heat it still possessed, as it traveled 300 miles in less than 24 hours, it appears that Smith has to find ways to amuse himself  as there is nothing like Date Night With Florence.

Nuff Said
